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How to Receive Free Coupons for Groceries Directly from the Companies

Couponing, Coupons, Free Coupon

In the last few months I have used coupons to receive products such as Propel Fitness Water, Jose Ole Taquitos, Hostess Ding-Dongs, and much much more all for free. Free Coupons for brand name products are out there for the taking, err asking. Getting them is as simple as finding the “contact us” button on the manufactures website and sending an genuine e-mail praising or complaining about a product of theirs.

I did an experiment starting back at the end of August 2007. I e-mailed and tracked the responses to just over 80 companies. I recieved Free Coupons or cents off coupons from just under 50 of those companies. The majority of the coupons I received were free coupons. 2 sent checks for refund. 1 sent two actual size products.


I get free coupons in my local newspaper all the time…

Well, yes those are free in that they came with the paper and you did not pay for them, but except in rare instances, they are for cents off amounts. The free coupons I am talking about though are coupons that make the product you are buying free. A free coupon for Propel Fitness Water will allow you to walk in the store, grab the bottle that fits the description on the free coupon, present both to the cashier, and walk away without ever having to open up your wallet. Unless of course the item is subject to tax, which you may not be able to get away from.


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To start, don’t ask. I have found more luck by not asking. Instead, my approach has always been to write a genuine, specific, and detailed e-mail to the company stating reasons why I loved or did not love a product of theirs. I let them know that I was a true customer of theirs by the way I expressed my feelings about their product. Most of my e-mails to company were actually praises. In return just for sending the e-mail, many companies replied back to express thanks for letting them know how I felt about their product. With thanks, the customer service representative mentioned that they would be sending free coupon(s) in return for my time.

An exception for writing to companies when you haven’t even used their product is if you are interested in trying something the make. If it is a product you have never tried before, I would suggest letting them know you are interested and ask any questions you may have.

If you feel the need to still ask at the end of your e-mail if they can send you free coupons, go for it but be polite with your request.

An Example of a e-mail could go something like…

I want to thank you for creating such a quality long roll toliet paper. Your Scott 1000 rolls not only last longer then the other brands I have tried, but they are stonger and softer then some of the other single ply rolls our family has used. I tried out a 12pk of these because of a coupon I found online and will not being going back to my old brand.

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I believe in sending honest e-mails to companies who products you truly do use or are interested in trying. Go through your cupboards or browse through magazines. Look through your grocery ads. Make a list of companies whose products you use. I have had luck with companies such as Glade, Ziplock, Durex, Fresh Express, Kashi, and Campbells Soup Company. All of which, sent free coupons.


Do a Google.com search for the company and find the link to their main page. All but a few of the e-mails I wrote were sent using a form generator found either on or linked through the “Contact Us” page on the companies website. Usually the “Contact Us ” page is found either at the very bottom or the very top of their main page. IF this link does not take you directly to a Form generator, look for a link on this page that will say something to the effect of “E-Mail Us”.


There are many reasons why it is beneficial to track responses. For one, you will know who you’ve already e-mailed. I recommend setting up in either a notebook or in a spreadsheet a list tracking the names of the companies, whether the response was praise/complaint, the date e-mailed, the date the company responded, and what was sent.


Most coupons will start arriving just days after receiving a response e-mail from the company. Some companies will not respond by e-mail at all and will just send the coupons out. I generally noticed a week turn around time. A few companies sent coupons a few weeks afterwards, but this was rare. Keep in mind, not all companies send out coupons.

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My experiment to receive free coupons involved only e-mailing companies. My best friend, after enjoying the success of using my list of companies that sent free coupons, took it one step further and began calling the companies instead. She found the phone numbers on the contact us page. From the responses she has received, I believe her success rate for free coupons is actually much higher then mine. But mine is faster, and can be done at 3 am. Good Luck.