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Tips to Speed Up Hair Growth

Many of us have suffered the beauty pains of a terrible haircut and I’m sure at one point the majority of us have received some type of cut or trim that was shorter than our original expectations. Maybe we didn’t explain ourselves well to stylist. Maybe the stylist was sadistic. Maybe we thought the cut would look super foxy on us, maybe the stylist did. Whether you’ve lost sleep over it or stood before you vanity just staring at the atrocity, one thing eventually occurred, it grew out.

For those in that miserable little boat right now, floating out there wondering where is the magical wand to wave for faster growing locks I’m here to comfort you! I have been in that boat, I have painfully pondered what to do next, I have made it through along with so many millions of others and you will as well.

There are so many misconceptions and old wives tales about tricks to make hair grow faster. What science has proven is that hair growth rate is approximately one half inch to one inch per month for Caucasians with a slightly slower growth rate for African Americans. Keep in mind here, that growth rate can be as individual as the person so some will have a faster growth rate than others will.

The first step is keeping it healthy. Split ends don’t go away; they keep splitting until they break off. So to avoid them cut back on processes that dry hair and cause breakage. Coloring, perms, heating products all strip hair of its natural oils. If you still want to do, just use care. Weekly deep conditioning and moisturizing shampoos will help with that as will treating your hair right with leave in conditioners that protect against heat and have a sunscreen in them for those of us that are beach babies.

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I know it’s recommended to have your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks. I don’t and I never have. I’ve kept my hair healthy by taking care of it and I’ve been getting by with trims every eight to twelve weeks. If you don’t need a trim than skip it. If your ends aren’t split and dry and if you’re still okay with styling it than why hack it off?

Get your vitamins. So for those that aren’t on the healthiest of diets, if you change that you will see a huge transformation. A diet rich in greens, dairy, eggs, nuts and fish works best for me. Calcium is fantastic at promoting hair growth, as is Manganese and potassium. It’s also been suggested to take a prenatal vitamin since they are packed with vitamins and minerals. The reason that so many believe this will encourage the hair to grow faster is because women’s generally grows at a faster rate while they’re pregnant. Estrogen is a large contributor to that factor, but getting a good vitamin in does help tremendously. Leary about a prenatal – talk to your doctor and take a multi-vitamin daily.

Drink plenty of water. This combined with a healthier diet and vitamin will not only have your locks looking great but your skin and nails as well. Triple beauty benefits plus a healthier you! What’s not to love about the plan?

Exercise, get the blood flowing and the circulation going. Without good circulation the scalp isn’t going to get the delivery of all the wonderful vitamins and nutrients from your healthy hair diet. Therefore your hair isn’t going to grow any faster. You can also try massaging the scalp to promote circulation, it feels great and helps de-stress you as well. Stress and fatigue are horrible for those dreaming longer locks, so make sure you get your beauty rest. Studies have shown that people who get a better nights rest have a faster hair growth rate. At least seven to nine hours is the recommended amount.

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Another tidbit, smoking, alcohol and drugs whether they are prescription, or not, can stunt hair growth tremendously. They’re horrible for your health and if you don’t have your health you won’t have hair that grows any faster. If you still feel your hair is just not growing at all, you might want to talk to your physician about having your thyroid checked.

So there it is, plain and simple, get healthy for longer locks. Your hair, skin and nails will look fantastic and you will feel fantastic. You don’t have to jump into a full blown regime immediately, but the more of these tips you add to your daily routine the better the results and quicker you’re going to start seeing those results.