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Tips for Overcoming Shyness

Overcome Shyness

A shy person can be held back from jobs, job positions, friends, dating, socializing and communication. It is a very serious problem for some individuals. How do I know? Because I use to be shy myself, for many years. It took a while to overcome my shyness, but it was worth it. Here are some ways you can too.

First of all, your shyness comes from your mind. In order to do anything at all, you have to think about it first. Even if you don’t have to think about something to do it, the signal to take action comes from your brain. So to get over it, think about it first. Is the situation you are in a reason to be shy? Is everyone that is in close proximity to you, really looking at you all at once? Remember, try not to over think things. No-one can read your mind. All they see is a person. Keep that in mind. This will help you to overcome shyness greatly.

Start to learn to become confident. This is a major key to overcoming shyness. When you walk, walk with your back straight, not slouching. Slouching gives the appearance of laziness, an uncaring attitude, and sadness. Walking upright gives the sense that you have respect for yourself and confidence. Don’t walk around with your head high and your nose up in the air. This is a display of too much confidence, and that you are better than everyone else. You won’t get friends this way. Walk also with a normal, comfortable, stride. People can tell a lot about you by the way that you walk, so this is important.

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The way that you take care of your personal appearance can help with your shyness as well. If you ride in the bus or the taxi, you might not talk to someone because you don’t look the best that you can be. Regardless of what kind of hairstyle you have, you will gain confidence in yourself if it is trimmed, groomed and well kept. People can tell if you take care of your hair or not. To guys: Women notice fairly quickly if your nails are cared for not. If they notice that your nails are uneven, long, and dirty, chances are they will think your apartment is the same way. nail clippers come with a nail file attached, so you can use the tip to clean your nails. Nails grow back after three days when you cut them, so if your are the lazy type, cut them once a week. When you wear your clothes, make sure that you like them. If you wear what is trendy and fashionable, you will be wondering if you look cool, or if anyone notices what you are wearing. This will lead you to become more nervous. If you wear what you like to wear, you will feel more comfortable with yourself. Bathe regularly, and floss and brush your teeth. I know, these seem like basic things right? But the more often you do them, you will worry less that you smell good. Which leaves more space in your brain to ask someone out……..with confidence.

Socializing with your fellow peers is a good way to overcome shyness. Why not invite some friends to your place to play cards? Or Monopoly? Getting together with your friends is a great way to meet new people. Your friends are bound to invite someone new. Go to a place where there are people. The shopping mall. The theater lobby. A park. A foot-bridge. This will help you get use to people around you. If the thought of going to a dance club doesn’t scare you, then go inside one and order a drink. You don’t even have to dance if you don’t want to. You can talk to the bartenders, or even ask people random questions as they walk by you. Like: Do you have the time? Is there another club like this somewhere else? Who’s the artist of this song? How tall are you? You have to be careful though. Try to look for the guy or girl that looks single, otherwise some else might get mad. The point of all this is to get you more comfortable around people.

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And last but not least, speak-up! You have to aware of the situation that you are in though. Speak in a calm, normal voice when talking with someone for the first time. First impressions are everything. Moderate your voice to accommodate your surroundings. Small areas call for a lower voice, while larger areas call for you to project your voice. To project your voice, tilt your head up slightly while you speak. Try to look people in the eye when you talk to them. This shows confidence, and that you are paying attention to them. If that is too hard, aim for their eyebrows or their nose. At the very least though, you have to look at someones face when you are having a conversation.

These tips may seem hard to do for a person that is very shy. All you have to do is gradually do these things until you are comfortable to go all out. For some though, it is hard to socialize because of serious fears that they have. In order to overcome shyness, you have to try at some point, right?

Gecko Joe, How To Overcome Shyness Associated Content