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The Use of Kegel Exercises for Men

Kegel Exercises, Pc Muscle

What are kegel exercises and is there a kegel exercise for men?

Kegel exercises are exercises that help to develop and strengthen the PC muscles also known as the pubococcygeus muscle. This muscle area is in the pelvic region of both men and women.

Initially kegel exercises were recommended for women in order to help prepare for child birth and sure appropriate muscle strength for giving birth. However kegel exercises also have benefits for men too including helping sexual performance, helping reduce episodes of incontinence, and possibly help reduce the swelling and pain associated with prostate inflammation.

Sexual uses for the kegel exercises.

For some men, the concern of pre-mature ejaculation during sexual intercourse can cause anxiety and affect performance. Men who want to last longer in bed often turn to pills and other late night infomercial products in hopes of holding off ejaculation for the longest possible period of time while having sex. Various techniques have been presented to help a man “train” and “control” his ejaculations, but kegel exercises help in another way.

By performing kegel exercises males can build up muscle strength in the pelvic region and by “flexing” these muscles when they feel close to orgasming they can hold off ejaculation and continue intercourse.

Other sexual benefits may include extended pleasure and more intense orgasms due to the build up followed by holding back and slowly building up again in the urge to ejaculate.

Controlling leakage and incontinence with the kegel exercise for men.

Whether sometimes a little urine comes out later on after relieving one’s self or whether the male loses control of their bladder and can’t hold it anymore, kegel exercises may be able to help.

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By practicing the kegel exercise often the man can build up strength that can help them tighten up the muscles when the urge to lose control presents. This clenching of the muscles can keep the urine held in until the man can reach a bathroom and may help reduce leakage and accidents.

Other health benefits.

There is also the possibility that doing kegel exercises regularly can help alleviate some of the pain and swelling associated with inflammation of the prostate.

In addition, the PC muscles are below the abdominal muscles and a strong core is key to good posture, reduction of injuries, and flexibility. Men often focus hard on their abdominal muscles to make them look great but often overlook other muscles on their bodies. The PC muscle is an important muscle that helps keep the organs and muscles above it in place and connects to other muscles in and around the hip and groin area.

Performing the kegel exercise for men.

The best way to get started is to locate your PC muscle. This can be done while urinating. During urination try to stop the flow of urine completely. If you successfully do this you have successfully located your PC muscle. Once you have located the PC muscle you can begin performing kegel exercises on a regular basis.

You can do them while sitting or standing and essentially it involves a squeezing and tightening sensation while pulling inwards and upwards. It does not involve pushing downward with your muscle. This position should be held for 5 to 10 seconds while breathing normally. When you relax the muscles you should feel something similar to a relaxing release of the muscles.

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For more information about the kegel exercise for men including step by step instructions on how to perform and increase the number of repetitions visit the following website: http://www.kegelexercisesformen.com/ .

Always remember to consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions or before starting an exercise routine.