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My Pap Smear Results Are Positive: What Happens Now?

Colposcopy, Pap, Pap Test

It is recommended that the average women get a pap smear every 2 years, starting at or before age 21. A pap smear (or pap test) checks the cervical area for infection, abnormality, and cancer. The cervix is the area between the vagina and the uterus in women. During the test, a doctor swabs the cervix to gather cell samples to send to a lab. Getting results from a pap smear can take around 3 weeks. You may get a letter in the mail or your physician may call to give you the results. In 2006 I had a pap test with scary results; this is what I learned during the experience.

Don’t Panic
If you get bad news from your pap test, don’t panic. Some things can cause a false positive result. If you have had sex, used a feminine spray or wash, or even recently had your menstrual cycle the test may not be accurate. Your doctor will rule out all of these possibilities before you need to start worrying.

What Does A Positive Result Mean?
A positive result during a pap smear can indicate infection, cancer, or a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The most common cause for concern is cancer. An infection or STD will usually come with other symptoms that the doctor or patient will notice and treat immediately. If you have a history of infections, STD, or family cervical cancers your cancer risk will be higher. Certain STDs, like Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), can lead to cancer development later, and most infected women are not aware they have the disease. Your physician will speak to you about your particular results and ask questions to know how best to proceed.

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In The Days To Come…
Your gynecologist will schedule another appointment to speak with you about your results. Depending on your results and risk factors, they may choose to repeat the pap test or do a colposcopy. A colposcopy is an in-office exam where the physician will look inside the vagina, usually with a camera or magnifier, to see if the problem area is visible. If the area is visible, they will clip a small piece of skin to be sent off for further testing. This is relatively painless and results in very little bleeding. With either route, you can expect to wait up to 3 weeks for more results.

In The Months To Come…
If your new pap smear or colposcopy results come back clean (negative) you will be asked to return in 6 months for another pap test. If the 6 month test is still clean, you will be asked to return every 6 months to one year for the next 3 years. After 3 years of clean tests you will begin a regular testing cycle once more. If your results are positive, you will begin seeing specialists and receiving treatment for your problem.

Cervical cancer is a very real and treatable problem if it is caught early. Many women skip their pap test because they are too busy, aren’t having any problems, or are uncomfortable with the idea of the test. Most women with early cervical cancer do not know they have a problem. Please schedule and maintain your pap tests every 2 years, it may save your life.