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The Top 5 Worst Super Bowl Halftime Shows Ever!

Dorothy Hamill, Patti Labelle

On Sunday, February 3, America’s favorite excuse to pig out (The Super Bowl) will broadcast live on CBS. Personally I could care less about sports and all the lame teams, but to humor my husband I watch with “interest”, counting down the minutes until the Superbowl Halftime show occurs.This years show in my opinion is a huge step down with Beyonce leading the pact, and a possible Destiny Child’s reunion…I know I’m not excited either. Don’t get me wrong, I love my girl groups, I was a huge fan of En Vogue back in the day and I love The Supremes, But I just could not get behind the lame songs of DC, believe it or not Bootylicious just didn’t do it for me.

With that said, in honor of the greatest show on earth, here’s my personal list of the Top 5 Worst Super Bowl Halftime Shows Ever!

5.The Black Eyed Peas and Usher (2011)

Black Eyed Peas is good at one thing…what that is yet I haven’t figured out, but until than their Super bowl halftime show will go down as one of the worst where they shout into the mic, barely dance and Fergie sings a painfully off key rendition of a Guns and Roses classic “Sweet Child of Mine.” Poor Usher deserved much more then this train wreck.

I have no idea why they broke up, they were so…..good….

4. New Kids on the Block, Warren Moon and It’s a Small World (1991)

If I were to die tomorrow and go to hell, I’m pretty sure this is where I would end up.

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Complete with Sexually friendly New Kids on the Block, Disney Characters dressed as football players, a butt load of cheesy lip syncing and dancing with 2000 children on the field make this not only Terry Richardson’s perv dream, but also one of the most brilliant cringe worthy Super bowls ever.

3. Gloria Estefan and Olympic skaters Brian Boitano and Dorothy Hamill (1992)

You think that with the crap-tastic awesomeness of the 1991 performances (see above) they could have picked something better, but oh no folks you were wrong! They went bigger, cheesier and even lamer! Thousands of bad dancing with batons, a marching band, Olympic hockey team, Estefan’s cheesy songs and of course Boitano, I don’t know how this could go wrong so quick!

2. Patti Labelle, Indiana Jones, Tony Bennett and The Miami Sound Machine (1995)

Disney created this whole halftime show to promote the new Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland…because theatrics, Tony Bennett and football mix! Patti Labelle is great but Tony Bennett singing a ballad surrounded by people in tribal showgirl outfits just doesn’t quite mesh well, and throwing in the sound machine doesn’t help this eleven minute glorified Disney commercial.

1. Up With People (1976) (1980) (1982) (1986)

Up with People is a educational organization that tries to build a bridge of cultural understanding through volunteer work and musical shows…who doesn’t love getting educated during football? I know I do! While I can respect their mission, I cannot overlook the watered down pop song covers, cheesy “drink the Kool-Aid” smiles and robotic dancing. It truly boggles my mind that they thought this was a good idea…for FOUR Super Bowls!

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What do you think of the list? Agree or Disagree?

Who would make your own awesomely bad list?

Sound off in the comments below!

