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The Signs of Child Molestation

Molestation, Signs of Abuse, Signs of Child Abuse

It is every parents worst nightmare to learn the horrible truth of finding out your child is being molested. No parent or child should ever have to endure this traumatic event at any time in their lives. This article will give you signs to look for to determine if in fact your child or someone’s else child or children is being sexually abused.

Abuse against a child is a crime of hatred toward that child. We should protect our children from the hands of the monsters who enjoy to abuse them.

School. A child may show several signs of abuse when it comes to their schooling. A failing grade, cutting classes, fighting, and disruption to class are a few signs to look for in your child. Each of these signs can mean something other than child abuse, but these signs are a cry for help.

Mood Swings. Depressive thoughts, mood changes in seconds, anxiety are changes in a child’s mood to keep a close eye on. A child wears their emotions and fears as well as moods on their sleeves.

OCD (Obsessive compulsive Disorder). Most children who are abused, are diagnosed with this disorder. Why? Most have a fear of feeling dirty and ashamed, and they will either compulsively wash their hands constantly or bathe several times a day. Why? They feel as if they are getting rid of the germs from their perpetrator.

Health issues. A child who has been sexually abused is traumatized. A trauma can cause or affect the immune system. Stomach pains, headaches, unexplained rashes are just a few health problems that can occur in a traumatized child. A frequent cold can be a sign of child abuse.

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Sleep. A child’s sleep can be altered quickly. How? Nightmares, or frightened to sleep in their room, afraid to sleep alone, or insomnia. Many children suffer through several different sleep disorders after suffering through a traumatic event such as a molestation.

As a child molestation victim myself I have often endured countless nights of sleepless nights. Other the years I have learned how to deal with my insomnia, and nightmares in a positive w ay. How? I try to find an activity to occupy my time to forget or at least ease my mind with the traumatic events I have endured myself.

Clinging. A child will often display affection or clinging to an adult. This usually happens when the child feels too frighten to leave the comfort zone of an adult.

Sexual matters. This is a sign to be aware of. No child or children should be interested in any sexual matter or content. If a child is even the slightest interest in any sexual content, they are most likely being sexually abused. It is a sign most or all parents should be looking at.

Appetite. A sudden change in their eating habits usually indicates that something isn’t right. Such behaviors will include throwing up and gagging at the sight and smell of food. Or they will have no desire or appetite to eat. A few eating disorders can result from these behaviors and they are anorexia and bulimia. These are dangerous eating disorders are serious matters and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Pregnancy. A change in a child’s behavior such as gaining weight, cravings, frequent bathroom breaks are a big sign a child or teen is pregnant. If the child is too young such as 12 years of age and you know for sure they are not sexually active, this is a dead sign of child abuse.

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Bed time clothing. Blood, urine, or feces left or has stained a child’s under garments are a clear sign of something bothering the child. It could either be the result of abuse or medical problems. If the clothing isn’t stained it can be torn as well.

Physical conditions. The private genital areas can be inflamed, bruised, swollen, torn, bleeding are just a few physical conditions to be concerned with or to look out for. These are physical conditions that shouldn’t be easily overlooked. Once these signs or symptoms are noticed they should be reported immediately.

Suicide attempts or thoughts. Most victims have thought of suicide or have made an attempt to end their life on various occasions. As a child molestation victim myself, I have attempted suicide on several occasions, and have had countless times have thought of suicide. It is a cry of help. The child is reaching out for help and you should try everything you can to help the child.

Panic. Panic attacks appear in abused children. A panic can arise in any children at any given time. Anything can trigger a panic attack. If certain behaviors, television shows, music, can remind the child of their perpetrator.

Masturbation. An excessively time spent masturbating is a clear sign of child abuse. Sometimes un known to the child, they may experience a bit of excitement and have the urge to masturbate. This isn’t always a sure sign of child abuse but it can be a sign of something going on with the child.

These are all signs of child abuse. Never take any of these symptoms lightly. Every child reacts in different ways. Take each sign seriously and report any of the signs mentioned above to a local doctor and authorities.

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No child should suffer any more than they already have. A child is to be protected and to feel safe and wanted. Abuse is a heinous crime and should be sentenced and punished to life in prison. No one deserves to be abused and treated wrongly.

Abuse is an national epidemic. We must stop all types of abuse. How? With these signs of abuse mentioned above is noticed in a child, then we should report it immediately. No abuse should go un noticed.

Each child is a special gift from the angels of God and we shall protect them from all harm including abuse.