Articles for tag: Molestation

Karla News

What to Do If Your Child is Molested

No parent wants to think that his or her child could ever be the victim of child molestation, but it is a very real possibility that can happen to anyone. I know because my daughter was molested two years ago at her father’s house during visitation. I never thought in a million years that my ...

Karla News

Michael Jackson: Do His Songs Expose a Dark Side?

When Michael Jackson appeared in court to defend himself against allegations of child molestation, many in America and abroad immediately came to the defense of the music superstar. They refused to believe the “King of Pop” could ever be sexually involved with young boys. Scores of loyal fans appeared outside the courthouse holding signs proclaiming ...

Karla News

Recovery for Adults Molested as Children

Recovery for adults molested as children can take time and at the same time is essential in order to have healthy relations with the self and others. For many victims of molest years of hurt and pain have manifested itself in different ways that can further complicate the recovery process and require more intense work ...

Karla News

The After Effects of Child Molestation

Child molestation occurs more often than realized. The victims of child abuse are terrified to speak out about their experiences. Why are they so afraid? They are victims of a heinous crime. The predator often threatens that if they tell something terrible will happen to them or their family. The victims are often guilty of ...

Karla News

The Signs of Child Molestation

It is every parents worst nightmare to learn the horrible truth of finding out your child is being molested. No parent or child should ever have to endure this traumatic event at any time in their lives. This article will give you signs to look for to determine if in fact your child or someone’s ...