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The Best Healthy Snacks for Women

Quick Breads

Bathing suit season is coming upon us and that means diets. Furthermore, that means beating off those hunger pains in-between meals. Don’t feel guilty about snacking between lunch and dinner with these healthy snacks.

What is a healthy snack? These would be foods that don’t contain large amounts of sugar, salt, no white flour and no saturated fats. Sound depressing? There are options out there. Remember portion control, too much of a good thing does exist. And just because it says Fat Free doesn’t mean it is good for you. Lots of items that are labeled fat free are usually high in sugar and other bad things. Always carefully check the labels.

1. Apples and Nuts
Both of these foods provide your body with great protein and anti-oxidant protection. This allows your body sustained energy release. Apples are also a great source of fiber. Other slices of fresh fruit are also a good option.

2. String Cheese
Calcium is very important, especially for women. The ADA recommends that the average woman consume 12000 milligrams of calcium daily since it strengthens bones and teeth, regulates heart beat and helps to avoid blood clots. Two pieces of string cheese and a few wheat crackers would be a great snack.

3. Whole Wheat Pita with Hummus
This may seem daunting if you have never tried hummus, but it is actually a great ethnic food made from chickpeas. It can be found in many flavors such as garlic and spicy red pepper. It is high in folic acid which helps avoid birth defects. Even if you aren’t pregnant, start taking folic acid if you plan on becoming pregnant in the future.

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4. Turkey Bacon and Cheese Sandwich
This is a great snack that easily quenches your cravings. Take one half of an English muffin that is whole grain or wheat. After toasting it, top with two slices of turkey bacon, one slice of low-fat cheese and one slice of tomato. A small amount of avocado can be used in place of mayo if desired.

5. Low fat Yogurt with Fruits And Nuts
Yogurt is another excellent source of the much needed calcium. Use plain, non-fat yogurt and sprinkle in nuts and fruit, such as pineapple or blueberries. The nuts contain protein. And pineapple, blueberries and nuts provide anti-oxidants, which helps prevent cancer and heart disease, boost the immune system and slow the aging process as well as many other benefits.

These are just a few ideas, and others include:

-Raw vegetables, such as celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green pepper, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms or zucchini may be served with a low-fat dip.

Fresh fruit in season.

– Low-fat quick breads and muffins, such as pumpkin, zucchini, banana or bran.

– Non-sugared cereals, snack mixes made with popcorn and whole grain cereal.

– Low-fat yogurt with fresh, frozen or canned fruit.

– Shakes with low-fat milk or yogurt and fruit
