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The Best Biodiesel Vehicles for 2010

Audi A3, Sport Utility Vehicle, Turbocharger, Volkswagen Jetta, Volkswagon

The use of biodiesel has been around for several decades, and the number of vehicles available to utilize this green alternative increases every year. It is important to note that not all biodiesel vehicles are created equal, however. According to yahoo.com, vehicles that are biodiesel ready can vary widely by price, gas mileage and green rating. Here are the top five models to consider.

2010 Volkswagen Golf 2.0L 4 Door TDI

With the highest green rating on the list, 72 out of 100, this vehicle is the ultimate in environmental friendliness. The green rating considers a number of environmental costs of a vehicle, including unhealthy smog, emissions of greenhouse gases, fuel consumption and pollution from manufacturing the vehicle (yahoo.com). This vehicle is also the lowest price at $22,760 MSRP. With gas mileage of 41 mpg on the highway and 30 in the city, this fuel-efficient car is the total package.

2010 Volkswagen Jetta Sportwagon TDI

It’s another Volkswagen, but that should come as no surprise to existing biodiesel consumers. TDI stands for Turbocharged Direct Injection, which is a registered trademark of Volkswagen. The TDI engine uses direct injection, forced induction via a turbocharger and an intercooler, all of which increase its efficiency (volkswagon.com). As a result, gas mileage is similar to the Golf above with 41/30 mpg. This Sportwagon is also reasonably priced at $24,615 MSRP. It has a green rating of 71 out of 100.

2010 Volkswagen Jetta Sedan TDI

Yep, we’re still talking Volkswagen. This manufacturer has become adept at producing vehicles that work well with alternative fuel sources. The Sedan has a comparable price point to the Golf, with an MSRP of $22,830. It also has a green rating of 71 out of 100, and enjoys gas mileage of 41/30 mpg.

See also  The Top 10 Volkswagons of All Time

2010 Volkswagen Touareg V6 TDI

This vehicle shows how things start to differ dramatically. The price is higher at $44,350 MSRP, and it does not yet have a green rating. The gas mileage is much less than typical Volkswagen cars, coming in at 25/18 mpg. So, what makes this car so desirable? It’s a sport utility vehicle (SUV) that has luxury and eco-friendly qualities. You “pay” for the additional space, bells, and whistles in the fact that you lose fuel efficiency. But, you’re still leaving a smaller carbon footprint. You’ll find that most biodiesel SUVs suffer from lower numbers than do sedans and coupes.

2010 Audi A3 2.0 TDI Premium Clean Diesel S Tronic

I had to throw an Audi into the mix, because they’ve been making green models for a while. Although this particular model does not yet have a green rating, it should be commended for its more notable qualities. Here, we get back to a car that produces 42/30 mpg and comes in at $29,950 MSRP.

There are many options available when purchasing a biodiesel vehicle. Depending on your budget and wish list, you can do your part to help the environment with any variety of makes and models. There is no act too small in leaving the world a better place for the next generation.
