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Tammy’s Ten: Low Calorie Snacks

Low Calorie Snacks, Pickled Beets

When you are dieting you need a variety of snacks. Stock up on low calorie options. Fill your cupboards and fridge with healthy foods that will satisfy your cravings. For a list of good dieting snack ideas, see Tammy’s Ten below.

1. Yogurt is a great low calorie snack. You can buy single portions or tubes. It also tastes great as a frozen treat and mixed with fruit or cereal!

2. Cottage Cheese works well as a snack. You can buy low calorie brands. You can eat it with vegetables, fruit or crackers. It tastes great with a little seasoning!

3. Cereal is a filling snack. Use low fat milk and fruit. Mix a variety of cereals to make trail mix. Your kids will like it too!

4. Fruit works great as a dieting snack. There are so many kinds to choose from. You can make a fruit salad, try a Fruit-to-Go or have a bowl of applesauce!

5. Popcorn is also a filling treat. Just be careful of the toppings. Use an air popper at home or read the labels. Look for 150 calories or less per serving!

6. A cup of soup is a comforting snack. Stay away from the cream varieties. You can buy packages to use with a kettle and mug or the kind that heats in a microwave!

7. Fresh vegetables are snacks you can eat all day. You can buy them washed and prepared. Use salt and pepper or a low calorie dressing to spice them up if necessary!

8. Whole grain foods are low in calories. They are healthy and satisfy cravings. Try a couple of whole-wheat crackers or breadsticks. Read the labels for portion sizes!

See also  You Can Lose Weight with Fruit and Yogurt Smoothies

9. Rice patties are always a good choice of snack. Flavors range from cheese to caramel. If you buy the plain option use a low calorie jam. It actually does taste good!

10. Pickles and pickled vegetable salads have very little calories. Pickles are roughly five calories each and inexpensive to buy. Pickled beets and baby corn are also great alternatives. Just be careful of the sodium content if you are monitoring your intake!

Nobody wants to be on a diet. Losing weight takes work. To satisfy your hunger cravings, choose low calorie snacks. Sugarless gum is another option that helps you not to eat. Don’t make dieting a New-Year’s resolution, start losing weight today. Good luck!