Articles for tag: L. Frank Baum, Wicked Witch, Wizard of Oz

Karla News

Wizard of Oz Movie Quotes

The Wizard of Oz was an American film directed by Victor Fleming and released in 1939, based on the 1900 book by L. Frank Baum, and has remained a popular classic in the hearts and minds of many, with its success in spawning an imaginative new mythos with its share of memorable Wizard of Oz ...

Karla News

Best Wizard of Oz Party Favors

Wizard of Oz is a great party theme and if you or someone you know wants a Wizard of Oz party, you may want to consider giving out party favors. Party favors give the guests something to look forward to, an extra special treat just for attending a party. If you’re having games, party favors ...

Karla News

Best Wizard of Oz Birthday Invitations

The Wizard of Oz is more popular now then it was when it first came out. Kids and adults alike are in love with the film. If you are having a Wizard of Oz themed birthday party, don’t forget to get invitations that have a Wizard of Oz theme. This article will detail five of ...

Karla News

Wizard of Oz Birthday Party Ideas

The appeal of the classic movie The Wizard of Oz seems to transcend generations. I remember the first time I watched The Wizard of Oz. It was in the 1980’s and I was smitten Dorothy and her friends, and of course the Wizard of Oz music. Fast forward to the new millennia and my own ...

Karla News

Gift Ideas for the Wizard of Oz Collector

There aren’t many people who haven’t seen the classic, The Wizard of Oz. It’s hard to believe that this movie is from 1939 as it still captivates and intrigues adults and children alike. There are many Wizard of Oz collectors who would LOVE getting a Wizard of Oz gift. With so many Wizard of Oz ...

Karla News

The Wisdom of the Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz is one of the most beloved movies of generations. In 1956 it was shown on network television and every year since then. These days it is shown on a cable or satellite channel. This has been one of my favorite movies since childhood. The following quotes are as timely today as ...