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DIY Sweet 16 Party Decorations

Surprise Party, Sweet 16 Party

Making your own sweet 16 party decorations can be fun. The first thing you need to do is decide on a theme for the party and what the person likes. Such as, what are their favorite colors, songs, sports, cars or characters? Pick a theme and run with it. Throwing a party is fun, but throwing a surprise party is even better. Here are five DIY party ideas for you to work off.

First you would pick your colors. We went with pink and black for a girl. But you can go with their favorite colors. Sometimes they will be school colors (blue and gold, black and orange, white and red) you get the idea. At that age they like school colors. Usually go with two colors. It’s enough to brighten things up but not too much that it is overwhelming.

1. For decorations we will start with big balloons. Two different colors, we scattered them on the floor and taped to tables and walls. Not only is it fun to blow them up but to pop them also. Teenagers say and do the silliest things when they have a group together to help decorate.

2. A big banner is really cool to do. You would put their name on it and the words sweet 16. The teenagers can decorate it with the theme that you are doing. You can hang it outside for everybody to see or if it’s a surprise it would go by the door when they walk in, so they can see it. Stencil in the name and words you want and draw pictures of the theme you are doing.

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To make a banner you will need:

Butcher Paper

Paint-I use Apple Barrel-Acrylic Paint, you can get it at a craft store.

Paint Brushes



3. Streamers lighten the place up for decorating. You can make streamers with (your theme) such as stars or a sports object out of color paper or color foil to hang from the ceiling or walls. Have a 4-6 foot streamer hanging down with string and then the number 16 and then your theme object. (You would tie a knot and then start with your theme object, let’s say it softball, so you would cut out a shape of a soft ball and slide it on the string and about 2 inches tie a not and slide down the number 16 cut out of paper, and go all the way up inter-changing cut outs.) Or you can purchase colored streamers and stencil cut outs and staple them to the streamers. This would give you more color. You can make several of them to hang up.

To make streamers you need:


Construction Paper




4. You can make your own confetti with craft punches and paper. Punch them out and put in a bucket or bag with theme design and then you can spread them out on the tables with table clothes. Or you can put in party bags also. You can purchase the punches and papers at a craft store.

To make confetti you need:

Construction paper

Designed craft punches

5. Piñata’s can also be fun for teenagers. They get to laugh at each other and you can fill them up with candy. You can make one out of paper Mache, but honestly it would be cheaper to buy one and fill it. You can almost get any shape or theme.

See also  Birthday Party Ideas for a Teenage Girl

What you need to paper Mache:

Glass Bowl



Paper Mache Paste


Masking Tape

Strong String

You would need a clean area to work with. You blow up the balloons and organize them into the shape you want them in. You cut the newspapers in strips about 1 ½ inches wide and 4 inches long. Then you mix the paper Mache paste. You dip the newspaper strips in the paste and cover the balloons with them. Let them dry. Then you would pop the balloon and cut a small hole in top to fill with candy. You would paint the design. After that you punch four holes in the top and put the string into it to hang from. Reinforce the string with the tape so it doesn’t rip out.

I would also decorate with the same theme colors for table clothes, paper plates, cups, forks, and the cake.

Remember to do a theme that the child would like, not what you like. They are teenagers and have different likes. Go with a movie theme or sports theme, or flip flops for summer or even a Hawaiian theme. Have fun and let their friend’s help out.
