Articles for tag: Cryotherapy, Plantar Warts, Vicks, Vicks Vaporub

Treatment and Home Remedy Ideas for Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are growths on the soles of the feet. They can be small, rough bumps or larger flat growths with either a smooth or rough surface. Usually you can see a small black dot in the wart; this is nothing more than clotted blood vessels. Sometimes there’s a temptation to “squeeze” the black dot ...

Karla News

Review: Vicks Waterless Vaporizer

My oldest daughter has a viral infection and, as a result of her sinuses draining, was coughing non-stop all night Sunday night. After listening to her toss and turn for about an hour, I decided to give her some relief by running a vaporizer in her room. Everyone was asleep in the house with the ...

Product Review: Vicks Vapo Pads

My nose has been constantly runny because of allergies and other times it is so stuffed up. One of the ways I have been relieving my runny nose and nasal congestion is by using Vicks Vapo Pads. They help get my nose smelling again and breathing freely comfortably. The Vicks Vapo Pads are small 1 ...

Karla News

Tips for Treating Jock Itch

Known in polite company as tinea cruris, jock itch is an annoying condition that affects both men and women. In simplest terms, it is a fungal infection that affects the groin area of the body. Initially jock itch manifests itself with persistent and annoying itchiness in the private areas of the body but before long, ...

Karla News

All Natural Herbal Remedies for Welts

Welts can be a symptom of hives, mosquito bites, allergies, eczema, poison ivy and flea bites amongst other things. Welts tend to itch and sting the skin until the victim is driven crazy with the need to scratch. Scratching is the worse thing you can do to welts; instead try one of these all natural ...

Karla News

ReliOn Cool Mist Humidifier VS. Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier

Humidifiers can provide many health benefits, such as preventing nosebleeds, dry skin, sinus problems, and can even inhibit the growth of certain molds. Furthermore, it’s good for your house too. When the air gets too dry, paint can crack and furniture can warp. But what is the best kind to get? Everyone is familiar with ...

Karla News

The Best Vaporizer Money Can Buy

With dry autumn and winter weather on its way you may be considering buying or replacing a humidifier. Pharmacies and department stores stock the shelves with various sizes of humidifiers. If you need to add moisture to very dry air, a traditional humidifer may be the best option. When dry air is not an issue, ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

Most of us have had to deal with yucky nail fungus but for diabetics, it is a serious medical issue because they need to be especially careful with any kind of foot ailment. If you have a problem with nail fungus or you know someone who does, check out these home remedies to get rid ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies to Keep Ants Out

When I walked by Holly’s food/water dish one day recently, I instantly knew we had a problem. There were small black ants crawling around in her cat food. There were dead ants floating around in her water dish too. Ick! I knew it was time to employ homemade remedies to keep ants out of my ...

Karla News

Vicks Vaporizer Reviewed

The doctor told you that you need to get a Vaporizer for your sick child. However, you walk into the store and are presented with quite a few to purchase. Now you might not know which ones will work best for your child and that is a hard choice to make. I know that I ...