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Car Product Reviews: B&M; Short Shift for the Mitsubishi Eclipse

There are many reasons why we may choose to drive a manual car. Some simply love the control and fun that shifting the car themselves can bring. Still others love the increased gas mileage and power that can come with a manual. While, for some, it has become such a natural part of driving that they often do not even think about it. However, one thing is for certain, for many people, driving a manual transmission is not only essential to operating the vehicle, it can be a lot of fun as well. With that in mind, one product that is designed to increase that enjoyment is a short shift.

Basically, a short throw shifter is designed to reduce the distance that the car travels between gears. It does this several ways, often times lowering that actual height of the stick, making the throws feel shorter, and by changing the shift and pivot points of the stock manual shifting lever. However, not all short shift products are equal. And, with that in mind, today’s review focuses on the B&M; Short Throw Shifter for the 2000-2005 Mitsubishi Eclipse.

The first thing that one notices is that installation is actually very simple, and a full set of instructions is included with the shifter. Also, the unit feels heavy and one can tell that it is not a cheap or easily breakable product. However, the real measure of a short throw comes with how it feels when it is installed, and the B&M; model is no exception to this rule.

Although the test vehicle, a 2000 Eclipse GT, already had a fairly reduced throw from the factory, the B&M; product actually makes a remarkable distance. It lacks the notchy and cheap feel that sometimes comes with installing a short throw, and the overall feel of shifting the vehicle is greatly improved. The distance between the gears is reduced significantly, and although it may not hit the 40% mark that B&M; promises, there is no doubt that there is a noticeable difference. Also, unlike cheaper short throw products, the B&M; does not begin to rattle or lose it’s grip on the car past sixty miles per hour. Rather, the shifter actually feels much tighter and more secure than the factory model, and the difference really can be felt. Although a much better effect comes with installing the optional bushings (about $20 more or so) even without any additional products, the B&M; really does live up to it’s promises.

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With the shifter installed, the car rockets between the gears, and a quick flick of the wrist is all it takes to go from one gear to the next. However, the B&M; also accomplishes the rare goal of not being “too short”. Meaning that there is little risk of one grinding gears or not realizing if the car even is in gear before letting the clutch out.

Yes, the B&M; shifter may cost more than some of the other short shift levers available for the Eclipse, but, like anything else in the life, the old mantra rings true, “You get what you pay for”. For those who want to get more enjoyment and a slight bit more performance out of their vehicle, the B&M; short throw shifter is a perfect accessory for the Eclipse. It does a wonderful job, installation is easy, and there are no nasty surprises down the road. A great product, and one that is sure to delight and please it’s users for many years to come.