Articles for tag: Good Hygiene, Over the Counter Medicine, Ringworm, Tinea

Facts About Ringworm

Ringworm is more common in America than people may think. According to American, “this form of fungus prevails in 29-31 percent of the United States population.” Symptoms are red rash in a ring shape and itching. Treatment is provided both over the counter and by prescription. The choice depends on the severity of the ...

Karla News

Why Isn’t My Ringworm Going Away?

A round patch appears on your skin. It looks strikingly like the pictures of ringworm you can find on the internet, and also grows and/or spreads like it, too. Maybe you’ve had this problem before and know that a quick dab of over-the-counter cream will clear it up, or maybe this is your first outbreak ...

Karla News

What Causes Ringworm in Cats?

“It definitely looks like some kind of fungus.” The doctor put down the magnifying glass after looking at the knee, then threw away his disposable gloves. “Most likely, your cats have passed along ringworm to you.” What is ringworm? Lots of people shudder when they hear the word ringworm because they assume small worms invade ...

Karla News

Guinea Pigs and Skin Problems

The guinea pig, also known as the cavy, is a species of rodent native to South America that has become extremely popular as a household pet. Their docile nature and low maintenance lifestyle had made them an ideal pet for many people and families. But, as with any creature, guinea pig’s can suffer from irritating ...

Natural Remedies for Curing Ringworm

The term “Ringworm” is used to describe a disease that is not caused by any worm but by a fungus which is very minute part of vegetable plant life that grows on the skin. This disease is not so dangerous but it is more annoying. It takes a serious phase only when the skin breaks ...

Karla News

Preventing and Treating Ringworm in Cats

No cat owner is pleased to hear that their precious pet has been infected by ringworm. While if untreated the condition can become serious, ringworm in cats is something fairly common and not life-threatening in and of itself. It is, in fact, the most common fungal skin condition found in cats. Ringworm is not something ...

Karla News

Help, I Think My Dog Has Ringworm!

What is canine ringworm? Canine ringworm is a skin condition caused by a fungus. It is identical to ringworm in humans. If ringworm is not caused by a worm, why call in ringworm? When ringworm starts to heal, the bare spots will heal from the outside in, forming a ‘ring’ which is quite noticeable. How ...

Karla News

Homemade Treatments for Ringworm

Contrary to its name, Ringworm has nothing to do with wiggly, slimy worms. This skin problem is caused by a fungus known as “Dermatophytes”. If you ever get a case of Ringworm, you’ll see one or more patches of extremely dry, flaky skin. The patch will be red in color and circular in shape. The ...

Types of Ringworm (Tinea)

Ringworm is a highly contagious fungus skin infection known in medical terms as Tinea.Tinea or Ringworm can affect any part of the body. Contrary to common belief, there is no worm that causes this disease. It is a fungus, classified under the group called Dermatophytes (parasites living on the skin). There can be many types ...