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Homemade Treatments for Ringworm


Contrary to its name, Ringworm has nothing to do with wiggly, slimy worms. This skin problem is caused by a fungus known as “Dermatophytes”. If you ever get a case of Ringworm, you’ll see one or more patches of extremely dry, flaky skin. The patch will be red in color and circular in shape. The round shape is where the word “Ring” comes from when it pertains to this skin ailment. To cure the problem, you can use one of these homemade treatments for Ringworm.

Tea Tree Oil is one of nature’s most effective fungicides. It even kills harmful bacteria and germs without causing damage to the skin’s healthy cells. Tea Tree Oil comes from the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia plant which is native to Australia.

To use Tea Tree Oil as a homemade treatment for Ringworm, simply apply a liberal amount to each dry, flaky patch of skin three times a day. It can be purchased at your local health food store, from some drugstores, or search for it on the Internet.

You might love to put Papaya in your salad, but have you ever considered that this fruit has medicinal properties as well as a good taste? It does! Papaya contains a strong enzyme that’s known to kill harmful germs and bacteria. Uncooked Papaya can be used as an effective cure for Ringworm. Simply slice the fruit and rub the sections on any spots you may have. Do this three to four times a day, and the Ringworm should heal up in no time at all.

See also  Why Isn't My Ringworm Going Away?

Vinegar is another tasty ingredient in salads, and it also has healthful skin healing properties as well. It’s a natural disinfectant that effectively kills germs and bacteria without causing harmful side effects.

Simply use a sterile cotton ball to apply vinegar to Ringworm spots. Reapply the vinegar three to four times a day and the Ringworm should clear up.

Another homemade treatment for Ringworm is to use Hydrogen Peroxide to kill the fungi. This chemical effectively kills bacteria and germs. Douse a sterile cotton ball with Hydrogen Peroxide then apply the liquid liberally to each affected patch of skin. Repeat this process three to four times a day for the best results.

As a kid, my grandmother used household bleach as a homemade treatment for Poison Ivy. It worked wonders. You can also use bleach to cure Ringworm. Bleach, of course, is a manmade chemical that has strong disinfecting qualities.

To use household bleach to get rid of Ringworm, dip a cotton swab into a container of bleach. Apply the bleach only to the circular Ringworm patch. Avoid getting the chemical on the surrounding skin. Allow the bleach to dry completely. Do this three times a day for the best results.

Note: Use extreme caution when you are using household bleach. Do not let it get on your clothing, furniture, et cetera.

Ringworm is an communicable skin condition. You can pass it on to others and get it from other people who are infected with it. To help discourage the spread of Ringworm, don’t scratch the affected areas. Don’t share bath towels or clothing with other people. And, keep your skin clean and wash your hands after using homemade treatments.