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Help, I Think My Dog Has Ringworm!

Dog Illness, Ringworm

What is canine ringworm?

Canine ringworm is a skin condition caused by a fungus. It is identical to ringworm in humans.

If ringworm is not caused by a worm, why call in ringworm?

When ringworm starts to heal, the bare spots will heal from the outside in, forming a ‘ring’ which is quite noticeable.

How will I know if my dog has ringworm?

When you see round patches of skin where the hair has fallen out, or about to fall out. The skin itself will look red, raw or crusty and the spots do itch considerably.

Where does ringworm develop on a dog?

Ringworm can develop in areas of the dog’s skin that stay wet and moist. Once it starts it will spread from one end of the dog to the other.

What dogs get ringworm?

Any dog can get it if exposed to another dog with it, or a human. It is contagious and can be passed from human to human, dog to dog and human-dog or dog-human. It can also result from a dog getting wet and not drying thoroughly. Fungus grows in the dark. The ‘arm pit’ of the dog is a dark warm place for this fungus to grow.

When do I call the vet if I think its ringworm?

Call the vet as soon as you see the patches, loss of hair or the dog scratches excessively. The vet will take a skin sample, which can take 10 days to develop. If the vet believes it is ringworm, he will start the dog on medication right away then call you back for further treatment options.

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How long before the ringworm goes away?

It will clear up and the patches will grow hair again, but it takes a few months. The scars can last a very long time, some for years or longer.

How do I know all of this about ringworm?

I went through this last May with my dog. She swam in our pool in May when it wasn’t very warm yet and there was little sun. She didn’t dry thoroughly, therefore, the fungus grew. I thought they were hot spots at first, but they didn’t look the same. I took her to the vet right away.

What is the treatment for canine ringworm?

Abby was put on the same oral medication that humans take for ringworm, Itraconazole. The vet sold us the first week’s supply to get us started. His price was $50 for 7 pills. He then called a pharmacy in another state and worked out a deal for us where we paid $100 for 30 pills. We wound up buying pills for two months in a row. At that initial visit her spots were shaved so that they could heal faster. (See photo #1 above.)

We also had to give her a special medicated bath every other day for a month. We went through 4 bottles of shampoo at a cost of $16 per bottle. Plus all the vet ‘visit’ fees while this was going on. It was an expensive ordeal, I won’t kid you.

After a few weeks into treatment, the vet recommended that we get her shaved. (See photo #2 above.) I hated to see more yellow hair disappear, but it was necessary. That haircut allowed the air to circulate and she would dry faster after swimming or after her medicated baths. We had to keep her out of the sun for a week, when her hair was so short, so that she wouldn’t get sunburned. Blonds do have sensitive skin! It was then we also decided that from now on we will get her shaved every spring. We did have her shaved this year in April. (See photo #3 above.) When she swims now she dries much faster than when she had a heavy coat of hair. She doesn’t look like a lab currently, but she will in the winter when her hair grows back in!

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With her hair so short I can see some of the scares from last year’s ringworm. What I don’t see is a new breakout, which means we are doing something right! Getting her shaved this spring was the right way to go.

Ringworm in dogs – summary

Ringworm can be cured with medication, time and a lot of work and patience. If you think your dog has ringworm, call the vet right away and make an appointment. The sooner you start treatment the better for the dog and for your peace of mind. Be a good pet owner and do what is necessary for your faithful furry friend!

Now if you will excuse me its time for Abby to go for a swim!


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