Articles for tag: Anchovies, Pcb, Raw Fish

Karla News

How Eating Anchovies Can Make You Sick

Do you enjoy anchovies in your Greek salad? If so, you’ll want to be aware of a potential health risk associated with indulging in these salty, little fish. A new study shows that eating anchovies from certain parts of the Mediterranean could put you at higher risk of developing a parasitic infection. Eating Anchovies and ...

Karla News

The Top Japanese Restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri

The roots of Sushi go way back to the 4th century BC in Asia. Originally it was a way of preserving the fish. The cleaned and gutted fish were kept in rice so that the natural fermentation that occurred helped to keep the fish from spoiling for up to two months. When the fish was ...

Karla News

Beginner’s Guide to Sampling Sushi

If you aren’t sure what sushi is, be sure to read my article on my AC profile entitled What is Sushi? for more information. This article will give you a basic overview of what sushi is, its origins, and some information about the health benefits of sushi too. You will also learn the difference between ...

Karla News

Top Ten Gifts for Sushi Lovers

Whether you are a fan of sushi or not, everyone knows at least one person in their life who is a sushi fanatic. Sushi is becoming so popular that you can find it on almost anything. Here are some top ten gifts any sushi lover would love and that will not run you dry on ...

Karla News

Ordering Sushi from a Japanese Restaurant

Sushi — shaped, vinegared rice crowned with a wide variety of delectable toppings — has enjoyed increasing popularity in America over the last ten years. A taste sensation that was once the exclusive province of conoisseurs is now widely available in restaurants, grocery stores, and even sports arenas. The prevalence of sushi shows that this ...

Karla News

Yes, You CAN Eat Sushi While You’re Pregnant!

In Japan, a country quite preoccupied with public health, most pregnant women eat sushi. They believe it is part of a healthy diet, and they’re quite right. They do not become sick or have the paranoia that people in the US have. In the US & Japan, more people get sick from seafood prepared at ...

Karla News

What is Traditional Japanese Cuisine?

Japanese restaurants in America don’t serve the traditional Japanese diet. I don’t think they even serve the traditional Japanese-American diet, or the Japanese immigrant diet. Growing up with my mom, from Japan, we rarely ate sushi, tempura, or teriyaki. We didn’t really eat Japanese more than two or three times a week, but when we ...

Karla News

A Sushi Guide for Beginners

So you’re finally going to try sushi! Terrific! For you, the beginner, I can provide a simple guide that will allow you to order your dinner with a sense of confidence that you will neither embarrass yourself in front of your date nor end up with a table full of unidentifiable pieces of fish in ...