Articles for tag: Pothead

Karla News

Marijuana Recipes: Pothead Pancakes

Nothing satisfies a potheads craving for “munchies”, like some sweets. But does your high really go away when you fulfill your craving? Well there’s no need to worry about that with this recipe, because not only will it fulfill your craving for sweets, it will get you stoned at the same time (probably give you ...

Karla News

Michael Phelp’s Bong Videos

By now, you’ve probably seen the picture of Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps allegedly smoking pot, marijuana, grass, weed, whatever you want to call it, from a bong. He’s been suspended by USA Swimming for three months because of it. But did you know there are several Michael Phelps bong videos that go along with ...

Karla News

Marijuana Recipes: Pot O’ Coffee

Are you a coffee lover like me that simply cant start their day without that first cup? Are you also a pothead that likes to “wake and bake”? Or are you a pothead that just loves to drink coffee? Well check out what I have for you, it’s called Pot O’ Coffee. This recipe gives ...

Karla News

The History of 420 – How the Term Originated

420 a term that is in every marijuana smokers vocabulary, but does everyone know what it actually means? Well if you didn’t know, it refers to the consumption of marijuana. As it got more and more popular though, it became most know as the “Marijuana Smokers Holiday” that is held on April 20th each year ...