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The History of 420 – How the Term Originated

Louis Pasteur, Pothead

420 a term that is in every marijuana smokers vocabulary, but does everyone know what it actually means? Well if you didn’t know, it refers to the consumption of marijuana. As it got more and more popular though, it became most know as the “Marijuana Smokers Holiday” that is held on April 20th each year (4/20). But where did it actually originate from?

Well it has been stated that the term originated from a group of high school teenagers, in San Rafael, California in 1971. The teens who called themselves “The Waldos” , because the wall outside of school was their favorite hangout, originally used the term “4:20 Louis” in reference to an abandoned cannabis crop they have learned about (they used Louis in the term the phrase because the “Louis Pasteur Statue’ on the grounds of their high school, was their meeting location at 4:20 pm – hence “4:20 Louise”). After multiple failed attempts to find the abandoned marijuana crops, the teens gave the search up, and eventually shortened the term to just “4:20”, which ultimately simply became the term potheads used to mean smoke marijuana in general. It has been noted that “High Times” Creative Director, Steven Hager, was the first person to track the teens (The Waldos) down and publish their accounts of the origins of the term.

Now as time has passed, the term 420 (4:20, 4/20) has evolved into many different things, most notably as the reference to the counterculture holiday designated for potheads (4/20 or April 20th). It is basically designed so people can gather to celebrate and consume cannabis. Although several different locations around the U.S. that thousands of people gather to celebrate, but you can get together with a few friends and celebrate anywhere (Remember that marijuana is illegal-unless you have that golden prescription, so choose your location wisely).

See also  England in the 19th Century

(Click for Some of the Most Popular 420 Celebration Locations in the U.S.)

(Click for Some of the Most Popular 420 Celebration Locations in Canada)

Some recommendations for a 420 Celebrations – I don’t have to mention the consumption of the most important part of it, Do I? But there are a few different things you can do, within the security of your own home, like some great marijuana treats (Pot Brownies, Rasta Pasta, Tea-H-C, and so many more). Or if you really don’t want to get to involved, you can always just go by a bunch of different snacks for “Munchie Time” (Click for Some of the Munchies Potheads Love). Basically, you can simply treat it as a birthday party, with marijuana as the main theme. So when 4/20 comes around now, you have no excuse to join in on the celebration.

More Marijuana Articles:
Are You a True Pothead? – Quiz
Top 25 Stoner Films
5 of the Biggest Celebrity Potheads
How to Extract “THC” from Your Bud
Knowledge of Marijuana Quiz
5 Munchies that Every Pothead Loves
Marijuana Strains – A Variety of Different Weeds
How to Roll a Cross Joint
Note: The use, possession, distribution, and manufacturing is illegal in many places, and at no time do I recommend or promote any substance that will be deemed illegal in a court of law.
