Articles for tag: Arthritis Pain Relief, Menthol, Pain Relief

Freeze-It® Advanced Therapy Pain Relief Gel Review

I pulled a muscle in my shoulder recently, and the pain and stiffness have made it hard for me to function normally. It’s been especially hard to sleep at night. I was using Ben-Gay® on my injury, but it only gave minimal relief. I even tried Extra Strength Ben-Gay®, but it made my sensitive skin ...

Looking for Instant Tooth Pain Relief?

Pain from a tooth ache normally happens when you have tooth decay that has touched the nerve of the tooth and/or has gotten infected. As well, there are additional reasons , however this is probably the most common of all. When this happens, the treatment would depend on the diagnosis of the physician – a ...

Try These Treatments for Nerve Pain Relief

There are a number of things that can cause nerve pain but the most common are usually the result of disease, injury, or surgery. It is not uncommon for nerve damage to occur in people who have diabetes because of decreased blood flow. Nerves are often cut during surgery and injury can be sustained in ...

A Guide to Herniated Disc Pain Relief

What is a herniated disc? Well a herniated disc occurs when one of the discs located between the vertebrae bulges abnormally or ruptures altogether. These discs act as a sort of shock absorber between the vertebrae in your back. When one becomes injured, the result can be acute or chronic pain due to the compression ...

Karla News

Pain Relief for a Sprained Ankle

When you find yourself with a sprained ankle you might be wondering not only how to fix it, but how you can relieve the pain. If you must continue to function as normal with a sprained ankle, pain relief is the number one thought on your mind. You must find pain relief for that sprained ...

Karla News

Effective Ear Pain Relief

Any type of pain can stop you from performing your daily activities and enjoying life as normal, however, ear pain will keep you up at night with excruciating pain that can make you restless and frustrated. Wanting ear pain relief fast is what you and those around you will desire if you have an ear ...

Herbal Pain Relief Can Treat Back Pain

Research has shown that eight out of every ten people, or eighty percent of the population will suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lifetime. If you are one of the many suffers of chronic back pain, you know how painful and frustrating this problem can be. Even an acute bout of ...

Karla News

Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk

If you suffer from back pain and can’t seem to get rid of it, chances are you have a slipped disk. Otherwise known as a herniated disk, this is a very common injury to the disks that surround the spinal cord and it can be very painful. Luckily, there are many pain relief options when ...

Karla News

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

If you have ever felt the pain of a sciatic nerve inflammation you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from sciatic nerve pain and spend days or even weeks trying to find sciatic nerve pain relief. Young and old alike find themselves in severe pain from their lower back right down to their toes ...

Karla News

How to Get Pain Relief From Sciatica

You need to know how to get pain relief from sciatica when you’re in the grips of excruciating nerve pain that seems to be unrelenting. Fortunately, there are many treatments for sciatic nerve pain that can rid you or at least give you some pain relief from sciatica. First, let’s explore the cause of sciatica. ...