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Effective Ear Pain Relief

Ear Pain, Pain Relief, swimmer's ear

Any type of pain can stop you from performing your daily activities and enjoying life as normal, however, ear pain will keep you up at night with excruciating pain that can make you restless and frustrated. Wanting ear pain relief fast is what you and those around you will desire if you have an ear pain; here are a few tips and suggestions that will provide fast and efficient ear pain relief.

The Most Common Causes Of Ear Pain

One of the most common causes of ear pain is swimmers ear or swimming without ear plugs and allowing water from the pool, which carries different types of bacteria from the many other users of the same pool, to enter your ears and many of these bacterias can cause infection.

The common cold can also induce pressure in the ears causing it to ache, another cause may come from suffering from ear pain derived from another injured part of the body that is directly related to your ear such as a tooth ache.

Every ear pain has different type of pain relief but some practices will help you get relief in all types instances and get a good night’s rest in the process.

Different Types Of Ear Pain Relief

A good tip to remember when you or someone else in your family has an earache, try to sleep with the painful ear facing up, even if you feel sleeping on it may release the pain, because for the most part it will not. Painkillers that contain aspirin and acetaminophen such as Tylenol or ibuprofen will help, but be careful of the dosage, as these powerful pain killers can hurt your liver and stomach in the process, so you want to be very very careful not to overdose. There are also antiseptic eardrops available for fast and efficient ear pain relief that can be applied as per the indication on the bottle directly into the ear.

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Warm compresses, such as a warm hand towel, can be applied to the affective ear for fast ear pain relief; if you don’t have any type of medicated eardrops available in the house you can warm up olive, garlic or vegetable oil and apply a couple of drops to the affected ear. Please be sure that the oil is not hot, as you can damage the ear permanently and cause more damage than benefit. An easy way to check is by applying a drop of oil on your inner arm to see if it feels warm and not too hot so that you know that it is okay to be administered in the ear.

What You Need To Know Before Applying Any Medication To Your Affective Ear

If you discover that you have any liquid, such as puss, coming out of the affective ear, do not apply any drops or oil to the ear but see a doctor right away, as you may have an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics, however, to get through the night you can still use a warm compress for temporary ear pain relief. If the ear is swollen or the pain does not subside in the next 24 hours with the above medication, you need to see a doctor for a relevant ear pain relief.