Articles for tag: Castor Oil, Going into Labor, High Risk Pregnancy, Induce Labor, Pitocin

Karla News

Using Castor Oil to Induce Labor

If your in your 40th week of your pregnancy and there is still no sign of baby and the thought of inducing the birth medically does not appeal you may be left wondering if there are any alternative options. The answer is yes, women for many years have been using castor oil as a natural ...

Creative Ways to Induce Labor

You’re a few days passed your baby due date, your belly feels like it’s going to burst, all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain in your belly thinking it’s a contraction, and what do you know it’s a Braxton Hicks a fake contraction. You want this baby out now you have your bags ...

Self Induce Labor Using Pressure Points

Pregnant women at full term often wonder if they can induce labor at home. There is a pressure point that may be able to induce labor. This same pressure point may also be able to help a slow labor progress. Can You Really Induce Labor With a Pressure Point? I tried this pressure point to ...

Karla News

Post-Dates Pregnancy: Being “Overdue” Isn’t so Bad!

Even though all respectable medical and informational publications list the normal length of pregnancy as being anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks (that’s a 5 week range!), there is tremendous pressure for mothers to deliver on or before their due dates. Doctors, relatives, midwives, strangers, and mothers themselves seem to get incredibly nervous if a ...

Natural Ways to Induce Labor

So your nine months pregnant and probably starting to wonder if you will ever see your little one. The end of pregnancy can seem to last forever. Good news there are some natural ways to encourage labor to begin. There are some methods of naturally inducing labor, which are safe. However you should not attempt ...

Pitocin & Labor Induction

Pitocin is the most commonly used drug to induce labor in pregnant women. Before a pregnant woman decides to use pitocin to induce labor, it is important that she research the risks and benefits thoroughly to ensure she is making an informed decision regarding the care she receives for herself and her unborn baby. What ...

Natural Methods of Labor Induction

Why induce labor? Nine months is a long time, and it can seem even longer to someone who is having a difficult pregnancy. Babies aren’t always born by their due dates, and sometimes pregnancy just seems to drag on forever. Risks increase after 42 weeks, though not dramatically. Sometimes women just wish to plan the ...

Karla News

How to Induce Labor Naturally

After enduring almost ten, long never ending months of pregnancy, nearly every woman wants to know the secrets of inducing labor. Natural methods of inducing labor go back several centuries and vary from simple physical techniques to using certain herbs to stimulate the body. Several factors should be considered when considering inducing labor. The most ...