Articles for tag: Episiotomy, Hospital Bag, Lanolin

Karla News

Choosing Your Baby’s First Outfit

When you are packing your hospital bag, it can be difficult to choose what your baby’s first clothes should be. This article serves as a guide to help you choose. The weather will have a lot to do with what you want your newborn to wear home from the hospital. Your baby will need more ...

Cheap Baby Gift Ideas

The holidays are coming faster then we can believe. There are always birthdays, celebrations, anniversaries, showers, weddings, babies; you name it where you feel bad about not bringing a gift. The budgets for most of us are hanging on by a wing and a prayer. What are we to do to provide our friends and ...

Karla News

The Ultimate Hospital Maternity Bag

The last trimester of pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. It is a time of preparation, both mentally and physically, as the pregnancy winds down, and baby’s arrival is just weeks or days away. One item that is on the to-do list for many expectant mothers is to ...

Karla News

Your Pregnancy Hospital Checklist

When you are ready to have a baby, there are a million things running through your mind. A hospital bag is not usually one of them. The mothers that do remember to pack their hospital bags usually pack like they are going on a month vacation. Having your hospital bag packed and packed correctly is ...

Surviving HELLP Syndrome

When my first pregnancy was winding down into its third trimester, I remember thinking what a relatively trouble-free time I was having. I had heard countless horror stories of constant nausea, weeks of bed rest restriction, and every ache and pain imaginable. Sure, I had endured the first several weeks in a routine of breakfast, ...