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11 Tips on Preparing Your Hospital Bag for Pregnant Women

Going into Labor, Hospital Bag

Now that you’re in the third trimester, you are getting excited and anxious for the arrival of your little one, so you begin to pack what is known as your “hospital bag.” A hospital bag is essentially a backpack or suitcase full of all the little fun goodies you’ll need at the hospital while in labor and the day or so spent after. I’ve heard of women packing everything but the kitchen sink, but for this typically two or three day event, that’s probably not necessary. Here are 11 tips on how to be ready and what to pack:

1) Pack as soon as possible. Most women are excited to pack their bags as soon as they enter the third trimester, but usually any time before 37 weeks is probably ideal to have the bag finished and ready to go. Don’t be like me and pack in between contractions on your way to the hospital!

2) Fit the car seat in the car well in advanced. Get everyone’s bases installed. I had mine in place in the 2nd trimester!

3) Charged camera battery. Make sure that you have the camera battery sitting on its charger ready to go. You don’t want to get ready to take the first pictures of your newborn to realize that your camera has no power.

5) Extra easy-to-slip-on clothes for after birth. For pants, just pack sweats. You will not fit back into your old pair of jeans right away and don’t be too excited to toss the maternity pants because you’ll probably be wearing them for a few weeks post-partum!

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6) Donut pillow. This may sound a little silly, but bring a donut pillow or inflatable child’s pool ring. If you have a vaginal delivery, your rear end will be very sore afterward. This is especially great if you have any sort of tearing like I did.

7) The comforts of home. Consider bringing something to make you feel more at home while in labor. Do you have a favorite pillow? Is there a candle scent you really like that may calm you during contractions? Put together a playlist beforehand and bring along your iPod and speaker system. Just remember, whatever you bring has the potential to get dirty, so make sure that it is washable.

8) Pack snacks. You could wind up in labor for 36 hours like me and sometimes the junk in the candy machine simply can’t cut it. I realized we didn’t have any, so I was going into labor while standing in the checkout line at the grocery store with a basket full of crackers and treats. Also, the hospital only brought me meals, not my partner. Plan ahead!

9) Baby clothes. For your baby, bring a few outfits in both newborn and 0-3 months sizes. Your baby may not fit in newborn clothes and go straight to 0-3! My baby actually had to wear preemie clothes for two weeks before she could fit into newborn.

10) Nursing bra. Do you plan on breastfeeding? Just wear your nursing bra to the hospital. Not only are they more comfortable than underwire bras, but it’ll take up less space in your bag.

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11) You probably won’t need to bring these items. Check with your hospital just in case, but you generally don’t need to bring diapers, wipes, menstrual pads, or formula. These should all be provided for you by the hospital.

Though there is no right or wrong way to put together your bag, consider these tips to ensure you don’t over- or under-pack and to make your stay at the hospital as comfortable as possible.