Articles for tag: Going Gray, Gray Hair

Karla News

Graying Gracefully: Beauty Tips for Gray Hair

From the time I was little I knew I was destined to have a head full of gray hair. At the age of 42 my father had a beautiful salt and pepper head of hair, although there was much more salt than there was pepper. And from the time I can remember, his mother had ...

Karla News

Can’t Seem to Cover Up Those Darn Gray Hairs

Gray hairs are very resistant and sometimes can be very stubborn. To the point where they won’t grab the hair color or the gray ends up turning a totally different shade than the rest of the hair. I know with most women we feel so much older when we see grays, where men just look ...

Karla News

Remedies to Reverse Gray Hair or Slow Its Formation

Graying of the hair is a natural occurrence for many as they grow older. Many think that there is no way back after going gray, with the exception of chemical dyes or wigs. While going gray is not a “bad” thing, many would prefer to keep their natural color for a little longer. Reversing gray ...

Karla News

How to Cover Gray Hair with Herbs

You can make an herbal rinse to cover gray hair at home very easily and inexpensively. Covering gray hair with herbs will eliminate the need for harsh chemical treatments. You will need to use this formula once per day for two weeks for best results. After this, use only as needed to cover gray. What ...

Karla News

How to Brighten & Color Gray Hair Naturally

Many women are anxious to cover or conceal gray hair. Hair dyes contain many toxic chemicals and other harmful ingredients, so they are searching for a natural way to cover gray hair. This recipe is for a natural hair rinse to gradually conceal graying hair. This homeopathic natural hair rinse will brighten and color grey ...

Karla News

New Ways to Prevent Gray Hair?

Oh, those gray hairs! Some people try plucking them out until there are too many to pluck. Then they reach for the hair dye to cover the gray – unless they take the natural route, which can be beautiful on some people. But technology could soon make it easier to prevent gray hair. Scientists are ...

Karla News

How to Prevent Premature Gray Hair

Gray hair hits some earlier than others, and scientists have long wondered why. It’s true that graying hair is a natural part of the aging process, but some people gray much earlier than the expected 50. New discoveries have pinpointed some of the causes of gray hair and thus, brought about some advice to keep ...

Karla News

How to Go Gray Naturally

Should you go gray or should you color your hair? It’s a question women have to face as they age. That decision is a personal one, depending on what works best for you. While some women continue to color their hair throughout their golden years, others choose to gray, gracefully – even in their 30s ...

Karla News

Natural Dyes for Gray Hair

Men and women seeking natural options for dyeing gray hair will find several solutions in their kitchen cupboards. Natural dyes for gray hair can also be made by combining a few ingredients from the health food store. You might be surprised to find easy natural dyes for gray hair are simple and inexpensive. Why use ...

Karla News

Great Solutions for Gray Hair

Gray hair is a natural part of the aging process. For some, it starts early in life, like my husband, who started graying in his twenties. For others, it doesn’t come until much later, if at all. There are plenty of solutions to fight the signs of aging, gray hair and keep your hair looking ...