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Natural Dyes for Gray Hair

Beet Juice, Dye Hair, Gray Hair, Natural Dye

Men and women seeking natural options for dyeing gray hair will find several solutions in their kitchen cupboards. Natural dyes for gray hair can also be made by combining a few ingredients from the health food store. You might be surprised to find easy natural dyes for gray hair are simple and inexpensive. Why use harmful chemicals to dye hair? Try one of these natural dyes for gray hair instead.

Goose berry and coconut oil

This is one of the most highly recommended natural dyes for gray hair. Dry goose berries in the sun. Boil with coconut oil. Strain the berries from the oil. Allow oil to cool slightly. Apply lukewarm oil generously to the hair. Let sit for ½ hour. Rinse hair. This natural dye for gray hair keeps hair soft shiny and manageable. Use once a week.

Sage makes a very effective natural dye for gray hair. Make a sage tea using 8 ounces of water and 2 teaspoons of ground sage or several sage leaves. I find the leaves work best. Boil the sage in the water for a few minutes. Strain the solution into a spray bottle. Let cool to lukewarm. Spray hair and comb through. You should see your gray hair turn dark gradually with weekly use.

Tea and coffee
Try using different teas as natural dyes for gray hair. Unlike sage tea, these will show immediate results. Experiment with different types of teas until you find the color that is right for you. For darker color, brew up a cup of coffee. Let the coffee or tea cool to lukewarm before applying it to the hair. Apply using a spray bottle and comb through hair. Rinse thoroughly.

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Beet juice can be used as a natural dye for gray hair. Beet juice will successfully dye hair a maroon color. Add it to coffee for a reddish brown effect. Experiment with small swatches of hair to get the color right. Too much beet juice can leave hair a bright bold maroon red. Dilute gradually with either coffee, tea or water until the desired result is obtained. Rinse well.

Carrot juice
For light red or strawberry blond hair try using carrot juice as a natural dye for gray hair. It will highlight the gray areas automatically. Carrot juice can be applied using a spray bottle, combed through the hair and rinsed thoroughly. Carrot juice also works well to tone down beet juice hair dye. Just mix them together until the right color is obtained.

Please Note: None of these methods use chemicals or are toxic. They can stain skin and clothing. When using natural dyes for gray hair, protect the hands by wearing plastic gloves. A thin coating of petroleum jelly on the face will keep dye from staining skin. Protect clothing with a plastic tarp over the shoulders.

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