Articles for tag: Fibro

Creating a Graded Exercise Program for Fibromyalgia

A graded exercise program is simply a program keyed to individual needs, where you can add steps as you become healthier. With a fibromyalgia patient, the grades are set up so that you can move both forward and backwards as you need to reduce your activity when you are in flare. Generally, when it comes ...

Fibromyalgia Skin Issues

After I developed fibromyalgia, I began getting random raised bumps and redness every time I would scratch myself. I never realized it was part and parcel of my illness, I did not find out until years later that fibromyalgia can cause the various skin issues that many of us suffer from. For many, it simply ...

10 Foods to Fight Fibromyalgia

Living with fibroymalgia syndrome can be frustrating and taxing, as 10 million Americans can attest to. The pain, fatigue, and constant aches associated with it are enough to drive anyone crazy, and unfortunately the symptoms do not usually go away on their own. The variety of symptoms associated with fibromyalgia can vary widely from person ...

Karla News

How I Learned to Treat Myself for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition (also called a syndrome, and some researchers are now wising up and calling it a disease) that causes a dysfunction of the autoimmune system so that your muscles and your nervous system do not communicate properly. It is not progressive or degenerative like Alzheimer’s or Lou Gehrig’s disease, meaning that it ...

Karla News

Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that affects countless people across the globe. Wide-spread pain, chronic headaches and chronic fatigue plague fibromyalgia patients. There are many treatment options available, from over the counter medications to prescription medication. Some great resources for fibromyalgia are WebMD and The National Fibromyalgia Association. There are also treatments that do not ...

Karla News

Tips to Getting Through a Fibromyalgia Flare-up

Everyone with fibro dreads that one awful word. “Flare.” It can cause a wince from those girls (and guys) in the know, and is often all the explaination you need to give to your fellow fibro sufferers when cancelling a date or explaining an extra-bad mood. We all worry about when the next one is ...

Karla News

Grappling with Fibromyalgia Brain Fog

Isolated episodes of memory loss, especially if you have Fibromyalgia, are likely not symptoms of early onset Alzheimer’s. Instead, you may be grappling with Fibromyalgia Brain Fog AKA Fibro Fog. Consider me your living example of someone, who after 40 years of living with Fibromyalgia, grapples very well. Try on these questions. If you stand ...

Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis

A person who is very dear to me was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis not too long ago- and just a few days ago, she was told she also has fibromyalgia. I am writing this article for her, but also for all the other people with both illnesses, in the hopes that spelling out the differences ...