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Fibromyalgia Skin Issues


After I developed fibromyalgia, I began getting random raised bumps and redness every time I would scratch myself. I never realized it was part and parcel of my illness, I did not find out until years later that fibromyalgia can cause the various skin issues that many of us suffer from.

For many, it simply results in a heightened sensitivity, causing a “sunburned” feeling across the skin, to where even wearing clothing can be painful, and any rough seam or tag is agony. For others, it causes skin allergies, so that the slightest touch of their particular allergen creates hives, or scabby red bumps, or large red patches.

I have even heard from some fibro sufferers that they have developed psoriasis!

Alternately, some fibro sufferers state that their skin seems to become dull, but the muscles beneath the skin become so sensitive that they cannot feel light touches, but the slightest bump to their muscles causes insane pain. This is, some doctors say, from the acids in the muscle tissue not being properly flushed, and they recommend staying hydrated as one way to try and help that. It is a problem common to fibromyalgia sufferers because many of us have poor circulation.

Another problem that many people with fibro suffer from is bruising. I can get a bruise from the slightest bump! I knock my calf into our coffee table all the time, and I swear I have a permanent bruise on my leg from it. It was almost a relief to discover I wasn’t alone, when some other fibromites told me that they, too, suffered from bruising at the drop of a hat- or the touch of a butterfly.

See also  How I Learned to Treat Myself for Fibromyalgia

Many fibromyalgia sufferers also suffer from the feeling that their skin is “stiff” or “sticky.” This is from the myofascial tissue stiffening, and is one reason that massage is so good for fibro sufferers- myofascial release massage can help loosen the tissues and send the bad acids and other fluids to the kidneys to be processed and removed from the body. It can also help the skin to regain normal function, through gentle stretching.

A rarer problem that some people with fibro suffer from is skin numbness. For some, it’s numb patches, for others, it is all over surface numbness, for many, it is a propensity for numbness if you stay seated or with a limb in the same spot. In fibro sufferers, the propensity seems to happen with much less time passing than for “normal” people, and also tends to take longer to recover. The numb spot also hurts, and it is very difficult to explain “numb pain” to someone who has never experienced it.

Another skin issue that is problematic is “flushing.” The only way I can describe it is that it is like having an all over sunburn. It can come and go, and it can be utterly unbearable while you are going through it. While you are flushing, you cannot stand to have anyone touch your skin- it is so painful, even the lightest touch is like having needles driven into your skin. Once it is gone, however, there are no aftereffects- it is as if the flush never happened. It is the oddest problem that I have, but thankfully it doesn’t seem to be a horrible problem.

See also  Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

Overall, though, the skin issues are much less bothersome than some of the other issues that one deals with when suffering with fibromyalgia. They can definitely be a problem, though, and if you are unlucky enough to suffer from allergies, you can definitely go through hell trying to cope with them!