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Dorm Room Furniture on a Budget

Dorm Furniture

Do you need some furniture ideas for your dorm room, but have a small budget to work with? If so, this handy guide can help you furnish your dorm room with a small budget, while you achieve practicality with your furnishings:

Bean Bag Chair. You can buy an adult-size bean bag chair from awesomebeanbags.com for about $70, with free shipping. $70 is a lot of money for someone who is on a tight budget, so add this to your gift list at Christmas time. Your family might even pool their money together to give you a sending-off gift for your college journey. However you get an adult-size bean bag chair, you’ll be glad that you got it. This chair will mold to your tired body after a long, hard day at school. Plus, it is the perfect piece of dorm furniture because you can toss it into a corner when you are not sitting in it.

Fold-Up Lawn Chairs. Lawn chairs make fantastic dorm room furniture because they are handy to have when company comes to visit. All you have to do is pop open a chair, and your guest has somewhere to sit. When you get ready to sit outside and watch a game of Flag Football, you won’t have to sit in the grass because you already have a lawn chair. You can buy a fold-up lawn chair at most any Wal-Mart, Target, or Lowe’s for under $20, so the price fits right into your budget.

Roller Desk Chair. Many dorm rooms have built-in desks, but some dorms fail to provide chairs for the desks. This means that you have to buy your own, so opt for the most budget-friendly roller chair that does not have arms because the chair arms prevent you from being able to push the chair completely up under the desk when not in use, taking up too much space. You can typically buy a roller chair without arms at Office Depot for about $50. You might even be able to find one that easily slides on carpet for about $20 at Office Depot. Watch the sales for the best prices.

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Dorm Refrigerator. These small refrigerators are quite expensive when you buy these new. You will likely pay anywhere from $100 to $200 for a dorm refrigerator if you buy one that is new. If this is what you are looking for, you can buy one at Lowe’s for about $130, plus tax. However, if your budget cannot suffer such a hard financial hit, watch your local advertisements and check college boards, frequently. You can often buy a used dorm refrigerator for about $25 to $30. It might need a coat of appliance paint, but it surely beats paying the extra $100 for a new one, right?

Microwave. Don’t go out and buy the first microwave you see. Shop Wal-mart regularly until you find a new microwave for $25 or less. Wal-Mart stores often get large shipments of microwaves in, and the store prices them low to move them out quickly. The microwave you get might not be as large as you want (or as high tech as you like), but it’ll serve its purpose while you live in the dorm. If you have no use for a small microwave when you move out of the dorm, then donate it to a new dorm occupant. He/she will be glad to get it.