Articles for tag: Fall Decoration

Karla News

Fall Yard and Garden Decorating Ideas

The weather may begin to cool off and the days seem a little shorter, but fall isn’t just about falling leaves. Autumn is a great time to decorate your yard and garden. Celebrate the changing seasons with these ideas for adding color and pizazz to your outdoors areas. Colors Fall is full of rich, bright ...

How to Make a Potpourri Burner

Potpourri is a nice way to add scent to your home. Normally, burners use candles to heat the potpourri, making an unsafe burner should you forget to blow out the candle before bed or leaving your home. Create your own safe potpourri burner that will also provide a night light with these simple instructions: To ...

Karla News

Flowers to Plant in a Swamp Garden

People who live in lowlands where swamps are common like they are in parts of Connecticut, my home state, can grow flowers that are well suited to this type of environment. Swamp flowers do not require a whole lot of care, which makes it easy for them to grow. Watering is never a problem, since ...

Karla News

What is the Incredible Osage Orange Tree?

Also known by it’s scientific name of “Maclura pomifera”, the Osage Orange tree was discovered by the explorers Lewis and Clark some two hundred years ago. At that time, the Osage Indians had already found that the wood of the tree was useful for making strong weapons such as bows. Since that time, many other ...

Easy Fall Craft: Coffee Can Scarecrow

If you like easy fall crafts, you will love making this cute scarecrow out of an empty coffee can. You can then put your coffee can scarecrow on your porch or you can use it as a fall decoration inside your home. It also makes a fun table centerpiece for a Halloween party or other ...

Karla News

Tips for Baking with Fresh Pumpkin

My mother always grows pumpkins in her yard every year. Mixed in among her flowers and plants are big globes of orange scattered here and there, looking like the remnants of a basketball game. I swear my mother can plant a Pepsi can and grow a whole field of Pepsi with no effort at all. ...

Unique Uses for Your Trifle Bowl

I love making Trifle and I am often the go to person for supplying Holiday Trifle at my friend’s and family’s Holiday gatherings and potlucks. Since I love gathering recipes and often develop an obsession about making a new dish or dessert. (My grandmother would refer to this as getting ” a bee in my ...