Karla News

7 Natural Ways to Keep Joints Pain Free

Cod Liver Oil, Joint Pain, Soybeans

Living long while remaining pain free and mobile is a goal many of us are striving towards as we age. Unfortunately many of have ‘Arthur’ ( arthritis ) in our family that tries to prevent us from reaching our goals. Beat the pain and stiffness old ‘Arthur’ tries to visit upon you with these seven natural ways to keep joints pain free.

Avocado and Soy

Avocados and soybeans each contain compounds which help ease joint pain and stiffness, when eaten together it increases the pain stopping factors. And the good news is since avocados and soybeans are not high on most people’s favorite foods list (or they limit avocados in their diets due to fat content) there is a dietary supplement called ASU ( Avocado-Soybean-Unsaponifiable ) which is made from the oils of the avocados and soybeans and will ease joint pain as well as the actual food products when taken daily.

Foods High in Vitamin C

Vitamin C mops up free radicals in the body before they can damage joint cartilage and even a small daily dose of vitamin C will greatly reduce the risk of joint pain. Citrus fruits, strawberries, dark green leafy veggies and bells pepper are some of the foods high in vitamin C and a daily pain-halting dose is just one-half cup.

Eat Less Red Meat

We are a generation that cut our teeth on slabs of beef on our dinner plates each night, so cutting back on the prime rib is not easy. Red meat increases the amount of inflammation in the body , including the joints, increasing the risk of painful joints. Eat a little less red meat each week until you’ve got it cut down to just one or two days a week and you’ll be cutting down on joint pain too.

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Add a Little Ginger

Ginger has been used for centuries to reduce swelling and a little dab is all that’s needed to prevent swollen, painful joints. Grate a little fresh ginger into dishes daily or take a daily supplement of 255mgs.

Cod Liver Oil

Say ‘yuck’ three times then keep reading….Ok, grandma was right cod liver oil is good for you. Cod liver oil almost completely stops the destruction of joint cartilage when you take 1,000mgs per day. Cod liver oil is loaded with vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which work together to prevent the inflammation which causes cartilage damage. Modern day cod liver oil comes in tasteless capsule form (yay!).

Ride a Bike

Bike riding, whether stationary or moving, causes the cartilage in the legs and hips to thicken, taking pressure off knees and hip joints. The smooth, non-impact motion of pedaling a bike also provides a cardio workout without damaging the knee joints. Aim for 30 minutes of bike riding three times per week.

Acupuncture is Natural

The point could be argued, but acupuncture is natural in the sense that medication is not used. Acupuncture often relieves joint pain instantly and improves mobility after one session.



