Articles for tag: Confessions of a Shopaholic, Something Blue

Karla News

Something Borrowed Comparison

Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin play the best of friends in the movie “Something Borrowed”, now on DVD. When I saw the trailers for this movie I remember saying to myself, “I want to see that, but I want to read the book first.” I have been eyeing this book every time I passed it ...

Karla News

Top 10 Movies of 2009: Romantic Comedy

Commonly called “Chick Flicks,” romantic comedies are one of the most popular film genres and 2009 had its share. Romantic comedies are certainly one of y favorite movie types. From teen-focused I Love You Beth Cooper to the over-the-top battle of the sexes in The Ugly Truth, 2009’s romantic comedies cover the gambit of tastes. ...

Karla News

Romantic Comedies / Chick Flicks of 2009

If there’s one resonant thing that can unite the human race, it would be love of the movies. But this year’s popular line-up is geared more toward the male audience, with upcoming releases such as Star Trek, Fast and the Furious, Fanboys, Wolverine, Watchmen, Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, G.I. Joe and more testosterone-filled action movies. ...

Karla News

The Best Chick Flicks of 2009

Whether you admit you love chick flicks or they’re a guilty pleasure, most people-many men included-have a soft spot for them. Chick flicks make us feel good. If you’re looking for a movie to watch for some alone time, a good choice for a girls night, or a date movie, here are the best chick ...

Karla News

2008’s Top 8 Comedy Movies

I’ve seen my share of movies this past year. More often than not, I choose to spend 10 bucks and a couple hours to watch something that aims to make me laugh and forget about my troubles. Most comedies nowadays disappoint but there are some that hit the mark and these movies made it to ...

Karla News

Movie Theaters in Little Rock, Arkansas

Below is a guide to the top 5 movie theaters in Little Rock, Arkansas which includes locations, costs, and seating availability. Rave Motion Pictures Colonel Glenn 18 18 Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72210 501-687-0499 This 82,000 square-foot movie theater is one of the newer theaters in Little Rock. This movie ...