Karla News

Romantic Comedies / Chick Flicks of 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

If there’s one resonant thing that can unite the human race, it would be love of the movies. But this year’s popular line-up is geared more toward the male audience, with upcoming releases such as Star Trek, Fast and the Furious, Fanboys, Wolverine, Watchmen, Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, G.I. Joe and more testosterone-filled action movies. So where are the flicks that women can actually enjoy? The ones with romance and complications and happy sappy endings? I’m one of those women with a weakness for these kinds of movies. So will any of these picks be the next When Harry Met Sally? Unlikely. But we will definitely compare the much-anticipated Confessions of a Shopaholic with 2006’s The Devil Wears Prada.

1. New in Town (January 30) This Renee Zellweger starrer is about a career woman who for the sake of her job, was forced to adjust living from sunny Miami to snowy small-town Minnesota. The plot alone sets up the stage for a number of funny awkward encounters, though I hope they came up with a fresh take on this timeworn story. Harry Connick Jr. plays the love interest. Zellweger hasn’t starred in a mainstream comedy since 2004’s Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason. She can be a really convincing comedian and this fim will be proof if she still has it.

2. He’s Just Not That Into You (February 6) – This is your run-of-the-mill intertwined love stories in a city setting, Baltimore in this case. Big names like Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johannson and Drew Barrymore would be enough to draw a big crowd. Fans of the book from which the film is based, are also expected to satisfy their curiosity by seeing the movie. Be enlightened about how the male mind works as their attitudes toward girls and dating are interpreted and analyzed.

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3. Confessions of a Shopaholic (February 13) – Starring Isla Fisher, this movie have long been awaited by fashionistas and the book series followers. The plot, a writer in New York City with a shopping addiction and a growing debt, makes for a crowd-pleasing comedy. I can already imagine the crazy scenarios the lead will get herself into as she fights her temptations to shop and shop some more. Certainly, a movie every female can relate to. Make this a Valentine date movie.

4. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (May 1) – Matthew McConaughey plays a bachelor who is haunted by past girlfriends’ ghosts. The title said it all. Nevertheless, it sounds like an entertainingly silly concept. It co-stars new mom Jennifer Garner. It is interesting to point out that her husband, Ben Affleck was attached to play the lead until Disney scrapped the project. Well it looked like somebody picked up the pieces. We would just have to wait and see if it’s worthy of a second chance.

5. The Proposal (June 12) – This is Sandra Bullock’s return to the rom-com genre. It is about an uptight Canadian boss who is avoiding deportation by coercing her assistant (Ryan Reynold) into marriage. Hilarity ensues as she meets the groom’s family. Will romance blossom between these two unlikely pair? While You Were Sleeping is a personal favorite and Bullock has yet to star in a movie that can match this. This may not be it, but it may be good for a few laughs.

6. The Ugly Truth (July 24) – This rom-com stars Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. The premise isn’t a new one. Two people, who have strikingly opposite perspectives when it comes to relationships, work together and yeah you guessed it, tensions arise and sparks flew. I can only hope it will fare better than Heigl’s debut 27 Dresses. I am a fan of Heigl’s TV character Izzie Stevens, but she still has a long way to go as a movie actress.

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Just six movies? Well since it’s only the start of the year, I hope there would be more upcoming releases in store for the female moviegoers for the rest of the year. Have a good time at the movies ladies!
