Articles for tag: Chacha, Chacha Guide, Us Bank, Work at Home Opportunity

The Truth About ChaCha

When I first found out about ChaCha, I scoured the internet before signing up, worried it was a scam. Most of the information I found was either long-winded rants or years old and useless. I decided to sign up and see if ChaCha really is a legitimate work at home opportunity. Here is the truth ...

Karla News

ChaCha: Just Call, Just Text, Just Ask

I have a new obsession and its called ChaCha! I use ChaCha for personal use to ask questions and I also work for ChaCha as an independent contractor. What is ChaCha you are probably thinking? ChaCha is like having google as a friend who you can call or text for answers on your cell phone ...

Karla News

ChaCha Text Service Review

Do you have a question lingering on your mind, but you are unable to find an answer? Then you could use some ChaCha in your life. ChaCha is an innovative mobile text answer service started by Scott A. Jones in 2006. ChaCha initially began as a man-powered search engine. When somebody typed in a search ...

Should You Become a ChaCha Guide?

When ChaCha came out, there was a low hum that quickly turned into a roaring buzz on the internet and streets. “Become a ChaCha guide! Make money from home and set your own schedule!” This is the dream for almost all stay at home parents, college students, and others wishing to supplement their income. Being ...

How to Work for ChaCha

What is ChaCha you ask? Well, first, you have missed out on one of the best answer programs known to the texting community. Have you heard of KGB, the answer program? Yeah, they charge one dollar for each answer! That’s one dollar too many. In this tough economy, who can waste a dollar on knowledge? ...

Work from Home: Texting from Your Computer

Texting; either you love it or you don’t do it. Since the early 2000’s, many cellular phone companies have now added text, TXT to the list of services for wide variety of customers who love to send messages. Would you like to get a job texting? There are many companies that offer texting positions online. ...

My Experience as a Guide for ChaCha

ChaCha is the name of a mobile phone service which you can ask any question you can think of and get a response soon thereafter. How does ChaCha know the answer to everything? Well, they don’t, in fact, the response you get is coming from another person sitting at their computer and using Google and ...

Karla News

ChaCha Tips: Training ChaCha Guides

Training other guides is part of being a ChaCha Guide. A new guide is totally dependant on you being a great guide, because you are one of their first resources when just starting out. However, some of us seem to be a little confused about how to go about this. Some guides are just ‘there’. ...

Work at Home and Make Money with ChaCha

What is ChaCha, and how do you make money with them? Good question. ChaCha is a type of free, human-powered or social search engine. ChaCha boasts over 25,000 active guides from all 50 states. They have a 1-800 number to call or you can text your questions in to them. You can call ChaCha at ...