Articles for tag: Bloating, Edema, Fluid Retention, Frozen Entrees, High Potassium

Fluid Retention: What to Do About Bloating

Fluid retention, with the puffy look of bloating, is a condition that is experienced by men and women. The cause of bloating may be the result of diet, or may result from a medical condition. Many women know the discomfort and aggravation caused by bloating, usually associated with menstrual cycles. Not all women have a ...

Why Does Ovarian Cancer Cause Bloating?

Ovarian cancer can cause bloating: not just a feeling of bloating, but a visible abdominal distention. If you have unexplained bloating sensations or your stomach seems to be growing, even though you haven’t been eating more or are not pregnant, make an appointment with your gynecologist, as this could signal fluid buildup in the abdominal ...

Karla News

How to Stop Bloating

Major bloating is a problem I’ve dealt with for a while now. Looking like I’ve gained twenty pounds in one week when I really haven’t gained any at all can indeed be very frustrating. Likewise, it’s extremely uncomfortable and at times, even painful. If you’ve experienced this kind of bloating, then you know exactly what ...

My Experience of Removing Sugar from My Diet

I can remember distinctly the day I decided to cut all processed sugar from my diet. It was around noon on January 8th 2012. I really had no idea how positively the move would affect my life. First and foremost I must confess I love sweets. I love the idea of sweets, the smell of ...

Five Foods that Cause Gas and Bloating

No one wants to feel like they’re bursting out of their pants after eating a meal, but for millions of Americans with bloating and gas that’s the reality. While this symptom can occur for a variety of reasons, as might be expected, diet plays an important role. Some people are intolerant of certain types of ...

Karla News

Female Bloating and the Implication on Weight Loss

You’ve seen the television ads. Women carrying weight scales around their ankles, strapped by ball and chain, consumed with the number this scale reflects. For these women, checking “the number” every day can be a demotivator in the challenge to lose weight. As a result, many women are opting to ditch the scale and simply ...

Karla News

Tips for Coping with PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is something that we all dread every month. Not only does cause mood swings, irritability, emotional feelings, and food cravings but it also causes bloating, headaches and so much more depending on your body. Although PMS is never something that we look forward to, there are several things that you can do ...

Avoiding Stomach Problems While Running

Considering the fact that running is supposed to be good for you, it’s amazing how many aches and ailments running seems to bring to the table. Everything from sore knees to chaffed armpits can turn a morning run from a refreshing way to start the day to an annoying activity that can’t end soon enough. ...

Karla News

The Bloated Belly

Why is my stomach bloating up when I eat? Bloating is gas that’s trapped in the digestive tract, in the stomach and intestines. For lots of guys over 40, this is a feeling of fullness or tightness or swelling in the abdominal area and this trapped gas is a miserable feeling. I know this from ...