Karla News

Tae Bo: A Great Way to Lose Weight !

Tae Bo

After having my daughter like some I gained a lot of weight, for some strange reason I thought having babies you would come out looking better than before (isn’t that a nice dream). everyone would always tell me how you lose most of your weight in delivery- that maybe true to a extent but face it a lot of us moms gain more weight through pregnancy than expected. I tried a couple of diets that weren’t for me, I usually ran once a day or went for a nice long walk. Before I had a baby I was running everyday even a couple times a day, but with a toddler sometimes you just don’t have as much energy or time to run as often as you like.

I was walking through Wal-Mart in the video section and decided I needed to try workout videos. I wanted something fun that would get my energy going and would have fast results. I had friends that did TAE BO that would tell me how much they loved it, so I decided to try it. I bought “TAE BO BOOT CAMP” it has 2 DVD’s for the price of 20 bucks. I took it home and put it on right away, at first I struggled through the workout, making me realize how out of shape I was, by the end of the warm up I was worn out! the first DVD just prepares you for the ultimate workout. After a couple of days doing the 1st DVD it became much easier, it got my heart pumping, gave me loads of energy and the routine was a lot of fun, I saw results everyday!

The best part I was in the comfort and privacy of my own home, I didn’t have to go workout at a gym with others around me watching my baby fat wiggle around. I had tried working out at curves before where everyone workouts in a circle facing each other, that was VERY uncomfortable! The even greater part, I could strap my daughter in her bouncy chair or put her in her play-pin while she watched me workout and not have to find a babysitter for her!

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Of course you also want to change your eating habits- Having salads and fruits and cutting your meal in halves goes a long way, you also want to try and drink lots of water and less soda, juices are great as well. Try eating grilled chicken plain, have plain grilled chicken wraps or add a little seasoning, they taste very good. Try going for walks or a small run on the days you may have skipped doing your TAE BO videos. Normally I would do TAE BO once every other day, and go for a nice walk or jog the days I didn’t workout to my TAE BO DVD’s. It had great and fast results for me and I hope you’ll love it just as much as I do!