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Simple Indoor Winter Fitness Exercises

Simple Exercises

For many years, I had Physical Education students of all shapes and sizes. I had to begin the year very selective in the exercises we did. Below is a list of exercises that I thought all my students could handle.

Many individuals don’t have the opportunity to join fitness clubs are spas. Cold weather keeps many individuals inside. Still, there are exercises that you can do to tone your body and build strength. The good thing is that you can do these right in your home. This article will give you two sets of exercises. One set is for stretching and the other is for strength building. Strength building should always follow the stretching exercises. This will help prevent injury.

When you start any exercise program, you should start gradually. You can slowly add to the intensity over time. If you attempt an exercise and start to feel pain, back off. Like any fitness program, check with your doctor first to make sure you can handle it safely.

Dress for the activity; Loose clothing is always comfortable. You don’t need fancy sweats by Nike. A t-shirt or sweat shirt will work great. For pants, old sweats, pajama pants and even Levi’s will work find. I recommend a pair of white socks and a comfortable pair of tennis shoes.

Stretching Exercises; These should always go first, and for some individuals, they are good enough. These simple exercises are performed in three ways (standing, sitting and laying down). It doesn’t matter where you begin.
a. Standing; Place your hands on your hips and twist to your right and hold for a three count. Do the same to your left. Repeat doing a set of five each way. Take both hands and slowly grab your right calf and hold for a three count. Come up and do the left leg. Do a set of five for each leg. As you get better, you can grab your ankle. Toe raises. Place your feet shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Slowly lift your heals off the floor, until you are on your toes. Try to hold for a three count, but it isn’t necessary to do so.
b. Sitting; Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Take your right hand and pull back gently on your left toes. Do the same with your left hand to your right foot. Repeat several times. Bring your right arm back behind your head. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and hold for a five count. Repeat doing the other arm. Try to touch your back between the should blades as you do this. Next, pull your left foot up inside your right thigh. Hold for five seconds. Repeat with the right foot. Finally, sit Indian style and gently push your knees to the floor, with your hands and hold.
c. Laying down; Pull your right knee up to your chest and hold for a five count. Do the opposite leg the same way. Place your arms out to your side. Lift your right leg into the air and slowly cross it over your left hip to the floor. Repeat with the other leg. Finally, pull your right knee up to your chest and hold. Repeat with the other leg.

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Strength Building Exercises; These exercises, like stretching, should be done gradually.
a. Push-ups. Lay with your belly on the floor. Place your hands shoulder width apart and close in to your body. Slowly push up your upper body and hold. You do not have to come up on your toes. Use your knees as the bottom point of stability. Try to do do three sets of five or five sets of three. When you lower your body, try to go slow.
b. Crunches; I avoid sit-ups they can injure the back. Instead do crunches. Laying on your back, lock your hands behind your head. Bend your knees, so that your feet are flat on the floor. Slowly lift your shoulders and the back of your head off the floor. If you can hold for a second, that is good. Try to do three sets of ten.
c. Half Knee Bends; Standing, with feet should width apart, place your hands on your hips and slowly lower your hips half way and hold. This will place you on the balls of your feet. Try and hold for a ten count. Then slowly raise back up to a normal stance. Repeat ten times, if possible.

These three simple exercises cover the three main areas of the body. You are doing upper , middle and lower muscle groups.

Finally, if you find that you can exceed the above, do so at a gradual rate.