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Signs of a Sick Cat

Cat Symptoms, Sick Cats

As a longtime cat owner, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to observe and deal with sick cats. While sickness in your cat should be properly diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian, there are a number of signs and symptoms you might recognize that could mean your cat is sick.

Signs of a Sick Cat: Change in Behavior

This may be one of the first – and most noticeable – signs of a sick cat that an owner will pick up on. A normally-friendly or cuddly cat might become reclusive or withdrawn. A vocal cat may become quieter than normal or a quiet cat will cry frequently. A very active cat who suddenly becomes lethargic or a lazy cat who seems hyper may be signs of a sick cat. Any change in behavior should be taken seriously.

Signs of a Sick Cat: Change in Eating

If you notice kitty eating differently – eating more, eating less, refusing food or treats they have always preferred or vomiting, these are all signs that your cat could be sick. Pay attention to their food and water intake. Write down what you observe to help your veterinarian better diagnose your cat’s symptoms.

Signs of a Sick Cat: Change in the Litter Box

A cat who suddenly refuses to use the litter box or starts having accidents in other locations may be sick. If you begin to notice an unusually foul-smelling odor coming from the litter box, this could be a sign or symptom of a sick cat.

Check the litter box frequently for signs of blood, mucus, loose stools or anything else unusual. If you notice the frequency of trips to the litter box change (going a great deal or going infrequently) this could be a sign that your cat is sick and needs to be checked by your vet.

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Signs of a Sick Cat: Change in Appearance

A sick cat will eventually begin to look sick. Their fur may become dull, oily-looking or matted. They might lose some of their fur or even pull out clumps of their fur due to stress during sickness. They might lose weight or even appear to have gained a large amount of weight.

Cats are fastidious about cleaning themselves, but a sick cat will often lose interest in doing so. Their rear area may be dirty or even caked with feces (this is especially prevalent if a cat has diarrhea).

Matted or dull eyes, a runny nose or pale gums may also indicate a sick cat.

There are other signs that could mean your cat is sick, but its important to recognize when something is amiss with your cat. In the animal kingdom, showing signs of weakness or sickness can lead to abandonment or death. Animals will instinctively mask their sickness, making it hard for the cat owner to realize their cat is sick until they are very sick.

Noticing subtle changes your cat may exhibit when they are sick can help you recognize the need for a trip to the veterinarian before it’s too late. Always err on the side of cautious – call your vet with any change you notice in your cat and seek medical treatment immediately.