Articles for tag: House Rabbits, Litter Box Problems, Litter Box Training

Karla News

How to Deal with Bad Rabbit Behaviors

That adorable little bunny in the pet store seemed like such a good idea at the time, but now your house is a mess, and he bites you when you hold him. Before you give your rabbit to a shelter, try these tips to deal with your rabbit’s bad behaviors. Chewing Rabbits will chew anything. ...

Karla News

Remedies for Your Cat’s Bad Litter Box Habits

Some of the things we have learned through trial and error are that cats are PICKY. (Betcha didn’t know that, eh? All us cat lovers have been keeping that a secret from the rest of the world.) Cats are notorious about their litter box preferences. Cats have accidents. Cats will alert you of changes in ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder in Cats

Anxiety disorders run in my family– and, through some bizarre act of nature and coincidence, it manages to affect not just my blood relatives, but also my adopted “children,” who are cats. My first experience owning an anxious cat came from peach-colored kitty, Celeste, who used to pull out her fur, urinate inappropriately, and hide ...