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Sensitive Teeth Causes, Cures and Remedies

Healthy Teeth, Sensitive Teeth, Tooth Brushing, Tooth Sensitivity

Majority of adults suffer from sensitive teeth. There are many explanations why we get sensitive teeth and what to do about them. Sensitive teeth is a condition that causes a sharp pain when a person is exposed to hot, cold or acid foods or drinks. There are several products which attempt to num the pain, but these are only temporary fix.

I use to suffer from sensitive teeth, when brushing, eating cold or hot food and from the cold air coming to my mouth. I tried to alleviate tooth sensitivity by using special tooth pastes, mouth washes and gels and so on. After years of trying many products, I came to conclusion that the problem of tooth sensitivity that I experienced was not going to disappear; it was to remain.

I managed to cure sensitive teeth only after I understood that sensitive teeth where the direct result of teeth demineralisation. Teeth demineralisation is a process of minerals migrating from the teeth to other organs in the body were they are most needed. Teeth demineralisation is very serious problem that should be dealt with, right from the beginning after experiencing tooth sensitivity; if not over the time it could lead to tooth decay.

If tooth sensitivity is not related to obvious dental problems such as tooth decay, a cracked tooth, worn filling or exposed tooth roots as a result of tooth brushing, gum recession and gum disease, than it is the beginning of the process of dental disease, tooth decay. In most cases, worn tooth enamel which is a direct result of tooth demineralisation is a reason for sensitive teeth.

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Enamel is a strong substance that protects the crown of teeth. A layer called cement protects teeth under the gum line. Dentin is a softer substance found under enamel and cement which contains microscopic canals. When dentin loses its protective covering, the small canals allow the heat, cold and acid sensations to affects the nerves inside the teeth.

One of temporary solution to sensitive teeth done by dentists is to apply a coat of sealants to harden enamel which will wear over the time. This method is not effective at all since it does not provide permanent solution as it does not tackle the main cause for sensitive teeth.

Once the process of demineralization of teeth is started, the excess acidin the diet willonly aggravate the problem. One should avoid all acid foods especially acid drinks temporarily until the process of mineralization of teeth is completed and maintained on a normal level so that teeth are hard and strong again, especially enamel.

If demineralization of teeth is a main cause for sensitive teeth, why does it happen and what causes a loss of minerals in the teeth? The answer lays mainly in the consumption of process food which does not contain enough nutrients for the maintenance of healthy teeth. If teeth are deprived of nutrients for log periods of time what happens? They get sick, decayed and they start dieing, right?

So how can we cure sensitive teeth permanently?

We can accomplish that by improving our nutrition which should contain whole rich unprocessed foods. We have to go even further to identify a few nutritional elements that are crucial in maintenance of healthy teeth.

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I have discovered exactly how to do that, how to keep my teeth healthy. I learned how to cure sensitive teeth and tooth decay that I used to suffer so much from. I have not seen the dentist in more than 10 years. With my method I also managed to avoid professional cleaning of my teeth. Today my teeth are healthy and hard, pearls like; shiny and white, sparkling clean. I have no problem with my gums. Once I suffered form gum recession and it is all gone thanks to my discovery.

I achieved the dental health after I discovered a secret how to cure tooth decay and prevent cavities. I follow very simple natural method to keep my teeth healthy which consists of two simple procedures.

First procedure is an ancient oral technique that if practiced regularly can do amazing thing for your dental health and your health in general.

Second technique consists of taking three nutritional supplements for healthy teeth that I call “Trio” that should be taken at the same time for the best results.

If you have any dental problems and you want to learn how to cure sensitive teeth permanently you can visit my web sites http://www.preventcavitiessecret.com and http://www.curetoothdecayforlife.com