Articles for tag: Mosquito Repellant, Mosquitos, Natural Methods

Karla News

Natural Methods for Repelling Mosquitos

Mosquitoes have been pestering animals for thousands of years, sucking their blood and causing those itchy, unpleasant little welts. To control mosquitoes, many people opt for chemical sprays, candles and various other methods that can be costly over time, but also harmful to the environment. Fortunately, there are many natural methods for repelling mosquitoes. Plants ...

Karla News

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, Without Drugs

The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know about the information I’m going to share with you, because “Big Pharma” makes a mega-fortune off of prescription drugs for controlling hypertension (high blood pressure). They have you convinced that high blood pressure cannot be controlled through natural means. Millions of people have high blood pressure. Does ...

Karla News

How to Protect Your Lawn and Garden from Wildlife

Fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers are wonderful. Humans, however, aren’t alone in their appreciation of fresh produce and greenery. Deer, rabbits, raccoons and other critters also have a taste for fresh garden produce and lawn flowers and shrubs. Most garden and landscape wildlife visitors aren’t dangerous. They can be a real nuisance. Animals are attracted ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Curing Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a term used to refer acute inflammation of the tonsils. It is also commonly known as acute sore throat. Cases in which there is enlargement of the tonsils accompanied by repeated attacks of infection is termed as chronic tonsillitis. The two small lymphoid organs that lie on each side of the throat are ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Curing Diverticulosis

The term Diverticulosis is used to denote a disease of the colon in which the muscular wall gives way in place and allows the mucus membrane lining the large intestine to form pouches. These pouches are known as diverticula, a name which is derived from the word “diverted”. Decaying particles of food or faecal matter ...

Karla News

How to Remove Orange Well Water Stains from Blonde Hair

Natural redheads have beautiful rich shades of orange in their hair, but when orange hair is caused by well water, it isn’t desirable or attractive. Perms, hair dye, and other chemicals damage the cuticles of the hair, and once the hair shafts are damaged they are open to stains and mineral build-up caused by well ...

Karla News

Plant and Plan to Naturally Rid the Yard and Garden of Mosquitoes

Last year we had a mosquito epidemic in the backyard. It made for some miserable barbecues. In fact, we had to run for cover more than once. Luckily, we found an all natural mosquito repellant yard spray that worked. We don’t believe in spraying chemicals where the kids play and breathe. Plus, there’s the run-off ...

Natural Relief from Chronic Vertigo

Thousands of people every day in America suffer from chronic vertigo. It is so disrupting and uncomfortable it can seriously hinder regular daily activities as well as the general enjoyment of life itself. While there are any number of prescription medications available from your doctor, they can be expensive and at best not 100% effect. ...