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Rambo 4 – Stallone Rambo 2008 Movie

First Blood, John Rambo, Stallone

“Stallone Rambo” (2008) or Rambo 4, may be the last of the Rambo series. “Stallone Rambo” was preceded by the Rambo movies “Rambo, First Blood” (1982) – Rambo I synopsis and Rambo I trailer; “Rambo, First Blood Part II” (1985) – Rambo II synopsis and Rambo II trailer; and “Rambo III” (1988) – Rambo III synopsis and Rambo III trailer.

With Sylvester Stallone being 61 year’s old, some critics suggested the movie should be titled “Gram-bo.” That ageist slur is not one the critics would deliver if they met John Rambo in the jungle, on a dark alley, or at the local convenience store in their neighborhood. Indeed, it is one they would meekly withdraw, while falling all over themselves, apologizing, after seeing John Rambo in action in “Stallone Rambo.”

Sylvester Stallone, as the iconic figure John Rambo he made legend in the 1980’s, is not the 36-year old he was when “Rambo, First Blood” was released. However, even in 2008, Sylvester Stallone has the physique and physical presence nearly every 20-something male wants to have and most movie critics can only dream about.

“Stallone Rambo” is in the classic Rambo motif of mano e mano adjudicating justice and retribution. The bad guys commit heinous acts of unimaginable horror against humanity. The bad guys die. Live by the sword, doing evil things, and if it touches John Rambo’s life, he will kill you.

Some view this credo as too simplistic or clichéd to have credence and currency in the “complexity” of the first decade of the 21st Century. Understood only at the obvious, 50-caliber-shell-exploding-in-your-face level, perhaps. However, there is an underlying thesis in “Stallone Rambo” which is critical to comprehend and apply to 21st Century living. Evil will, Good must.

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In an interview with E Online, Sylvester Stallone observed: “This is how it is today…If we’re ever going to do something responsible where art has the ability to influence people’s awareness, don’t dilute it. Don’t water it down. It’s got to be uncomfortable. It’s miserable.”

Around the world, in the first decade of the 21st Century, life is “miserable” for millions. Indeed, it is so far beyond “comfortable,” that a mercenary or worse could shoot the reality of that life with a video, splice it into “Stallone Rambo,” and you would never even notice.

Reality-based morality infused into a Rambo movie? With the intent of influencing people’s awareness of the heinous acts of unimaginable horror committed against humanity, around the world, daily? Yeah. You got it.

Seen any pretty pictures coming out of Kenya lately? How about Somalia? Iraq? Afghanistan? Republic of the Congo? Cote d’Ivoire? Pakistan? Burundi? Sri Lanka? Haiti? Chad? Lebanon? Liberia? Sudan? This is only the short, hot list. (See “Most Dangerous Destinations 2007,” from Forbes.)

When are you going to get it? When is your awareness going to be “influenced” to the level of where you will do something? When it happens in your neighborhood rather than across the sea, an ocean away, or on the other side of the world? Can’t happen in your Hometown, U.S.A , right? Sure – and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to stand forever… Better hope John Rambo bought that house three door’s down from you, so he can save your ass.

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“Live for nothing…or die for something. Your call.”

In “Stallone Rambo,” or Rambo 4, John Rambo lives for something. In fact, he lives for everything as, at the very end of the Rambo 4 movie, John Rambo reconciles the anger, bitterness, guilt, and angst of his Vietnam and post-Vietnam agonies with his always known need to come home.

It is a moral victory for “Stallone Rambo,” the movie, John Rambo, the character, and Sylvester Stallone, the actor, director, and writer.

On rare occasions, a movie rises above itself, existing beyond the design and expectations of its creators and actors. “Stallone Rambo,” an action movie of a tragic hero throwing hyperbolic violence in your face, is such a movie.

[Be sure to view the “Stallone Rambo” or Rambo 4 trailer and the “Rambo, First Blood” trailer, the “Rambo First Blood Part II” trailer; and the “Rambo III” trailer. Also, see the official “Stallone Rambo” website and Rambo posters.]

[For other movie reviews of “Stallone Rambo,” see Common Sense Media, New York Times, Boston Globe, MTV, Reuters, and The Times of India.]

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