Karla News

Product Review: Precious Cat ‘Cat Attract’ Litter

Cat Products

I’ve heard that it’s somewhat common among cat owners to have a cat with litter box issues. Unfortunately, I was one of those cat owners. I had a male Flame-point Siamese who started out using his litter box well as a kitten but then grew up to use the downstairs carpet instead of his litter box.

I had never dealt with a litter box issue like this one before, so I called my vet for assistance. My vet wanted to give my kitty medicine for “in case” he had a medical issue preventing him from using his litter box. Although I thought that giving my kitty medicine for a medical condition he was tested for and didn’t have was ridiculous, I wanted any help I could get with my kitty and preceded to medicate him.

Despite my attempt to medicate him, my kitty would not take his medicine. When that did not work, I called up my vet again for some additional ideas regarding the litter box, and would you believe I could not get an answer out of anyone at the clinic?!

I hung up the phone quite disgusted and did my own research online for cat behavioral issues. I found just about all I needed to know on the Internet, including things to try to change about my kitty’s litter box, ways to deal with his behavior, and what kind of litter would be best for him.

I found information about a product called Cat Attract. Cat Attract litter is made by Bruce D. Elsey, DVM – who has a vet practice here in Colorado, where I live. He is the maker of all the Precious Cat Litters, of which Cat Attract is the litter of choice for cats who choose to forget they have a litter box.

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After learning about Cat Attract, of course I drove myself to a pet supply store and purchased a bag of it as quickly as I could. I came back home and just as quickly changed out the litter in my kitty’s litter box to the Cat Attract litter. Before I could get the top back on the litter box, my kitty jumped into his box and immediately used the bathroom. Sounds like I’m exaggerating but I’m not!

The Cat Attract litter is designed to draw a cat to his litter box by the scent, texture and size of the special litter. It definitely drew my kitty to it.

Cat Attract comes in a 20-pound cube of a bag – a bit different from the average litter – and also comes with a brochure filled with information about what changes to make with your cat to help him want to use his litter box. The extra information from Dr. Elsey was just what I needed for my kitty; it was information I couldn’t get out of our own vet.

Besides the helpful information, Cat Attract guarantees to get a cat to his box or money back. I didn’t get my money back because Cat Attract absolutely worked like it said it would.

Dr. Elsey has a website with all of his Precious Cat products, and has a spot for asking him cat-related question. I was so glad to find someone with answers and a product that actually worked. See the link in the resources section of this article for more information regarding Cat Attract or Dr. Elsey.
