Articles for tag: Cat Behavior, Meow, Siamese Cats

Karla News

Does Your Cat Meow Too Much?

A meowing cat can drive you up the wall-or at least away from home to seek relief for a few hours. Does your cat meow too much? I’m not referring to a meek little meow now and then, but the “Chinese water torture” kind of meowing that goes on, and on, and on. Before you ...

Karla News

Does Your Cat Spray in the House?

There really isn’t much worse than having a male cat that sprays pee all over your house. The smell is strong and can soak into furniture or flooring, and is hard to get rid of. While it’s far more common for whole/intact (those who are not neutered) males to spray, it’s also possible for neutered ...

Karla News

Is Your Cat Spoiled?

Is your cat spoiled? No, I don’t mean, “Do you feed your cat on a silver platter?” though that certainly would constitute a “spoiled” cat in many people’s eyes. If your cat is spoiled, you will answer yes to one or all of the following questions, does your cat get to eat off your countertops? ...

Karla News

Understanding Cat’s Licking Behavior

Since cats can usually be caught licking almost every part of their bodies, owners may think that it is normal and natural for them to do so. They lick even their wounds. This licking behavior can reach up to the point of being a problem instead of a normal ways among feline creatures. However, owners ...

Karla News

6 Tips for Helping a Cat with a Cold

Cats suffer from infections such as common colds just like their human counterparts–and feel just as miserable. From stuffy, runny noses to wheezing congestion–cold symptoms take their toll on a cat much in the same way as owners. What can cat owners do to make cats feel better when kitty has a cold? There are ...

Karla News

Siamese Cat Characteristics

The Siamese is one of the most beautiful cats in the feline kingdom. Noted for their gorgeous blue eyes and distinctive points, this cat breed is one of the first recognized feline breeds from the Orient, most notably from Siam. Ancient folk tales abound about Siamese cats being used to guard temples. Known for dedicated ...

Karla News

Cat Behavior: Why Cats Knead

I’ve always had both cats and dogs and love them for their different and unique behaviors. Cats are intriguing creatures and one thing I’ve always loved about felines is how they show us their love. It’s a misconception cats are aloof and independent. Felines are just as loving and loyal as dogs. They just show ...