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Preparing for Air Force Basic Training – What the Recruiter Failed to Tell You

Congratulations on your decision to join the Air Force. This will most likely be one of the most important milestones in your life, as far as successes and personal victory’s go. The Air Force will not only provide you and your family with multiple benefits, such as low-cost health insurance (practically free!) and tax-free shopping, but it also opens many doors for you that may have previously been closed. In any case, before actually going to basic training, there are many things you have to prepare for to make sure that your transition from the civilian life to the military life are as smooth as possible.

Everything that has to do with basic training takes place in Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Right now, the Air Force basic training is six and a half weeks long. The first three days of your processing in the Air Force don’t actually count toward your actual training time, but will probably be the three worst days of your whole experience in the Air Force basic training program. These first three days in training are actually just days that are used for processing for the most part. Such things that will take place at this time are health records, hair cuts, uniform issues, and preparatory things that must be done prior to beginning Air Force basic training. You’ll also learn how to march as a group.

If you do not have the official list of items that your recruiter should have given you, then you’re in luck. There are many things that your recruiter probably didn’t tell you as far as specifics go for packing your items for your Air Force basic training experience. Let me be the first to tell you that you should NOT pack more than one bag. In the first day of processing at Lackland Air Force base, the T.I.’s (Training Instructor) will be telling everyone to lift and lower the bags. They may even make a ridiculous game out of it. So pack light, only pack what you need.

While you are in the Air Force basic training, you’ll be assigned a drawer. This is known as you security drawer. The things that go in the security drawer are the things that were on the list. But if you didn’t have the list, these are the things you should buy: shampoo, toothbrush, toothbrush holder, toothpaste, shower shoes, razors, shaving cream (not gel), two ball point black pens, deodorant, body wash (no bar shop!). The rest of the stuff on the official list isn’t completely important at this time. When you’re are the Air Force basic training site, the Air Force will provide you with a $250 debit card that you can use on the special trips to the base store, which, by the way, is used exclusively for recruits. When your Training Instructor takes you and your fellow recruits to the base store, you’ll be able to purchase the items you don’t have there. But keep in mind that the money that you spend on your debit card is taken away from your first paycheck.

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Everything that you are going to buy has to be square in shape. This is to avoid it from rolling in your security drawer. The Air Force requires that your security drawer during basic training be perfect. Everything will have its order and precise placing. So buying all your items in square, flat form will greatly benefit you. Don’t buy anything with color. Anything with color, such as blue shaving gels or red toothpaste can stain the towels that the Air Force will issue you during basic training, therefore giving you a demerit every time your security drawer is checked. A demerit is points that are taking away from your overall score. (In the first few days of basic training, everything you do will be WRONG, no matter how perfect you try to be. Just keep this in mind, but don’t let it stop you from doing the best to your potential!) So just make sure everything you buy is clear, clear, clear! As for the razors, only buy disposable razors. Why? Well, the Air Force Training Instructors use a magnifying glass to look for hairs on the razor. If there’s hair on there, you have your automatic demerit right there. So don’t even think of taking an electric shaver! You’re asking for trouble on that one! As for the shower shoes, just buy some cheap, black ones from Wal-Mart. Nothing fancy, because they’ll issue you their own when you get there, but they do want you to have them for the first few days to prevent the spread of Athlete’s Feet. Also, bring three changes of civilian clothes as well, including underwear, socks, and if you’re a girl, bra’s. Nail trimming equipment is pretty handy as well. You don’t want to be running around with big ol’ claws on your feet. That could be pretty disturbing.

When you go to the MEPS stations, where you will begin your baby-steps into processing at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, make sure you don’t wear anything that will stand out. Don’t go with a shaved head. Don’t go with a tiny pair of shorts that says, “Cutie” on it. Don’t do anything stupid like that. Jeans and a plain shirt are all you need. When I went with my husband to drop him off at the MEPS station, I saw a guy wearing a Slipknot shirt, and wearing green Mardi Gras beads. All I know is that someone that day got an extreme humiliation fest one he got to Lackland. I can’t even begin to imagine. Poor guy! You don’t want to end up like him! Oh, and don’t wear any shirt that says ‘Air Force’ on it, because the Training Instructors will then want to make fun of you by saying something like, “Why are you mocking my Air Force wearing that shirt! You’re nothing!” I’m sure they would find a ‘nicer’ way to say it than I wrote it. They can be pretty creative with they’re words.

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Also, keep in mind that when you’re packing, you don’t want to pack anything embarrassing, like pictures of your loved ones, or your favorite stuffed animal. Anything you bring is going to be dumped out in front of everyone, and made fun of if there is any way that it can be made fun of. They’ll probably say hurtful things about pictures of your loved ones, which could build anger in you…so, leave it at home.

Also, prior to going to the MEPS station at Fort Sam Houston, make sure you bring a roll of quarters with you. (This little trick only works if you are planning on making calls in San Antonio. If you are from another state, it’s best to purchase a calling card.) This will serve you much more than any calling card would. A calling card takes too much time up with all the mumbo-jumbo in the beginning, which prompts you to put in your calling card code and everything else. With quarters, you just drop them in and dial. There will be a few times that you’ll actually be able to call home. Usually, the Training Instructors will let you call home on the Sunday after your processing ends. This call home will be only about three minutes long, and it’s just for you to provide your address. Make sure you let your family know this in advance, so that they won’t stay on the phone with you, crying and telling you how much they miss you. You want to give them your address, and this call is usually in the morning, maybe about 10 A.M. Make sure you tell the person who is supposed to expect that call to have paper and pen handy to not waste any time at all.

Also, you must know your reporting statement. This is extremely important. Learn your knowledge prior to going to basic training. This will save you a huge amount of unnecessary stress that can result from being forced to learn the material while being yelled at simultaneously. Like I mentioned previously, prior to joining the Air Force, you must know your knowledge. If you sign up for this email course: http://usmilitary.about.com/c/ec/1.htm

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Begin this email course at least a month before you go to the MEPS station for processing. This will be extremely, extremely helpful.

While in basic training, you’ll learn how to make hospital corners when making your bed. Since the Air Force isn’t all about who has the biggest muscles, but the sharpest brain, then everything that is done has to be done to the exact centimeter. But don’t worry…over time, you’ll get completely used to it, and soon you’ll realize that all the yelling is only because the T.I.’s don’t know how to talk like normal human beings. Anyway, back to the bed corners. When you have done your hospital bed corners perfectly, a tip is to sleep on your covers, instead of getting under them at night when you go to sleep. This will save you a lot of time in the morning, when you have ha million things to do, and not enough time to fix your bed. (Fixing your bed is a must every morning during basic.)

Before going to basic training, obtain a folder in which to put all your important papers in. These important papers include JROTC certificates, any College transcripts, drivers license, marriage license, birth certificates of you and your dependents, social security card, your enlistment contract, your bank information (direct deposit slip that you need to ask your recruiter about), and any paperwork relating to your prescriptions. If you wear glasses, take your glasses prescription as well, but be prepared to given BC glasses. Why are these called BC? Well, there’s no way you can get laid wearing those hence, hence plastic birth control. Take your Debit Card as well, so that you’ll have easy access to your money during basic when it’s allowed.

These are just a few tips to prepare for your stay at Lackland Air Force base. Thousands of people have completed this successfully, and you can too. Go with an open mind, with a strong heart, and do everything to the best of your ability.