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Roxicet: What You Need to Know About This Pain Killer


Roxicet is a prescription narcotic pain reliever, like Percoset. Roxicet is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. The two main ingredients in this drug are oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is a narcotic pain killer. When paired with acetaminophen, which is a less potent pain reliever, oxycodone is much more effective. If you’ve taken Percoset before, or any other drug containing both acetaminophen and oxycodone, you will be familiar with how Roxicet works.


There are different forms of this drug that you are able to take. You could either get the tablet form, or the liquid form. Depending on why you are taking this drug, you could get either form. For example, after my tonsillectomy, my doctor prescribed the liquid form of Roxicet, because I wasn’t able to swallow a pill. If you have trouble swallowing pills in general, you may want to ask for the liquid form. Take Roxicet as prescribed, and never take more than what the bottle tells you. If you’re taking the medicine on a set schedule, make sure you follow it. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it’s close to the time for your next dose, just take the next dose instead. Do not double up at one time.


Before you start taking this drug, your doctor will need to know if you have any of the following conditions: anemia, liver disease, pregnancy, constipation, seizures, urination problems, lung disease or other respiratory illness, kidney disease, heart problems, or any other kind of infection. Also tell your doctor if you are breast feeding, or if you have had an allergic reaction to acetaminophen, oxycodone or any other opiod analgesics. Don’t lie to your doctor, it’s important that they know these things because they can prescribe you a different drug instead. While taking Roxicet, don’t take any medicine that can cause drowsiness, because this can increase the effect of the Roxicet. Medicines like antihistamines (Benadryl), alcohol containing cold medicine (NyQuil), muscle relaxers and certain antidepressants. Also stay away from medicines that have acetaminophen in them, because this can cause an overdose. Too much acetaminophen in your body can cause liver damage. An adult should get no more than 4 grams of acetaminophen per day. You shouldn’t need an extra Tylenol, because Roxicet is strong enough to take care of the pain itself.

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There are some side effects that come along with Roxicet. One of the most common side effects I have found is constipation and nausea. The nausea can be prevented if you eat something along with the medicine. For constipation, drink as many fluids as you can while on this medicine. If you aren’t having a bowel movement at least every 2-3 days, see your doctor. Other side effects that could occur include dizziness, drowsiness, gas, heartburn, vomiting, dry mouth, itching, thyroid disease, flushed skin and pinpoint pupils. One tip I would suggest is not taking this medicine right before you lie down, because it can you feel lightheaded when you get up. Stay up for about 10-15 minutes before you lie down.

Roxicet will make you sleepy, so do not attempt to drive anywhere, or operate machinery. You’re probably in some kind of pain, that’s why you’re on the medicine anyway, so why would you want to be going out or operating machinery anyway? I also do not recommend making big decisions while on this medicine, because it alters your mental state and your brain isn’t at full potential to make decisions. Stay home and rest, especially for the first few days that you’re on this medicine. Take naps throughout the day, because the nights can be the worst if you’re in a lot of pain. You’re most likely going to wake up a couple times in the middle of the night, because your body is going to be in pain, and you might be in need of another dose of medicine. The doses are usually every 4 hours, so you may even be taking 2 doses through the night to get you through.

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Make sure you keep this medicine out of reach of children, and always make sure the cap of the bottle is tightly secured. Accidental swallowing can cause severe side effects, including death. Store it in a safe place at room temperature. The safety and effectiveness of Roxicet have not been established for children.

Try to get off of this medicine as soon as you feel like you can. Roxicet can be highly addictive, and can be very hard to get off once you’re addicted. You also don’t want to just stop taking the medicine after long-term use. Start to lower your dosages until you feel like you can do without it. Even substitute Roxicet for Tylenol. A lot of people can easily become addicted to prescription painkillers; don’t let yourself be one of them. Use Roxicet safely and responsibly, and feel better soon!

