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Predictions for Project Runway All Stars Season 2

Project Runway


The world of high fashion is always changing. Fashion fads come and go. In the famous worlds of Heidi Klum, “One day you’re in, and the next day, you’re out”. Project Runway All Stars is a spin off from Project Runway, and it is just as intense and as fun as the original.

Project Runway All Stars features designers who have been eliminated from the original show. These designers are given a second chance to redeem themselves. Just like Project Runway, the contestants are given design challenges. They then must present their creations to the panel of judges which include Georgina Chapman and Isaac Mizrahi. It is hosted by Carolyn Murphy with Joanna Coles as mentor to the designers. One by one, the designers are eliminated until there are only three contestants left. These three finalists must then design a mini-collection to present. Out of these three, one is named the Project Runway All Stars champion.

At this point on Project Runway All Stars, there are six all-stars left. So, who will make it to the final three? Here are the designers that I think will make it to the finale: Uli, Anthony Ryan, and Laura Kathleen.

Uli and Anthony Ryan are fantastic designers and their work has shown through each episode. It will be a battle between the two of them for the title of Project Runway All-Star Champion. Laura Kathleen is good and she will make it to the finale. However, she will not win the competition.

Joshu should have been out last week. The design he presented was awful. The top was a work of art, but those shorts were absolutely horrid. I just can’t figure out how he missed getting cut.

See also  How to Get on Project Runway

Casanova’s design was not good, but it was a lot better than Joshu’s. Casanova admitted that he had problems with the design, and I think that is what led to his elimination.

Ivy is a good designer, but she doesn’t have what it will take to make it to the finale. Ivy is just too conservative to make it much longer.

Emilio is good, but his last two designs barely skated by. Emilio admitted even admitted that they were not his best work. The red dress was beautiful but unfinished. The purple dress was cute, but definitely nothing spectacular. I do believe that Emilio will be in the final four but not the final three. I just pray that he proves me wrong because I am a big fan.

I believe that this week either Ivy or Joshu will be eliminated. They are both starting to fizzle out.

Project Runway All Stars is packed full of excitement and suspense. I am always holding my breath as each of the contestants sends their models down the infamous runway. With only six contestants left, it could be anybody’s game. However, there are some leaders of the pack, and I expect to see them in the finale.
