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Potassium Rich Foods – Not Just Bananas

Heart Arrhythmia, Hypokalemia, Low Potassium, Potassium, Potassium Rich Foods

Potassium is important for proper function of nerve and muscle cells. It is particularly important because it is involved in the function of one of your body’s most important muscles, your heart.

Importance of potassium.
Potassium is crucial to a number of other bodily functions, as well. It plays a role in blood pressure, bone mass, and heart, kidney, and adrenal functions in addition to playing a vital role in proper nerve and muscle function.

The recommended daily intake of potassium for healthy adults is 2,000 mg. The body appears to benefit more from potassium in a balanced diet than taking supplements.

Causes of low potassium.
Low potassium, also known as hypokalemia, is rarely the result of a potassium poor diet. Most often it is the result of losing too much potassium in your urine or digestive tract. Low levels of potassium are usually the result of diuretic use, diarrhea, eating disorders, excessive use of laxatives, kidney failure, vomiting, and adrenal gland disorder.

Symptoms of low potassium.
Low potassium can lead to elevated blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, muscle cramps and weakness, fatigue, and constipation.

Potassium Rich Foods.
Many people feel the best remedy for low potassium is to eat a banana. While bananas are high in potassium there are an abundance of potassium rich foods from which to choose, several offer more potassium per serving than a banana.

The following foods are particularly high in potassium: apricots, bananas, beets, brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, honeydew melons, milk, orange juice, tomatoes, spinach, winter squash, yogurt, and prune juice. Lima beans, white potatoes, prunes and raisins are among the foods highest in potassium.

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Maintaining the right amount of potassium also depends on the amount of sodium and magnesium in the blood. The best way to maintain adequate amounts of these minerals is to eat a balanced diet every day.

Causes of Low Potassium, Mayo Clinic
Low Potassium (hypokalemia), Mayo Clinic
Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium, University of Maryland Medical Center